Formation of the Belize Medical Tourism Association well on its way
On Tuesday stakeholders from the medical and tourism sectors met in Belize City to hash out the final details of the formation of the Belize Medical Tourism Association. It is the culmination of the promotional efforts of BELTRAIDE, the Trade and Investment Service to firmly ground medical tourism as...
Caye Caulker Chronicles
Miss Isela Wins “Raise Your Flag” Competition
The winner of the Raise Your Flag Competition is Mrs. Isela Marin.
The Raise Your Flag competition is a competition held during the September celebrations. The public is asked to decorate their homes, vehicles, boats and businesses.
The winner of the competition is the best decorated establishment or boat. It is selected by a panel authorized by the Village Council.
Garbage: The Most Mentioned Negative Aspect Of Caye Caulker and Belize By The Foreign Tourists
I am sorry I don’t do Facebook but I have a friend who informs me if there is anything being discussed in Caye Caulker which would be relevant to anything I am working on or writing about. So I am very happy that CCVC’s Foreman Wayne Miller beat me to my next planned article which was going to be about garbage. I started about garbage in my first article about the location of the only secondary school in Caye Caulker. There I wrote that I do not understand Central Governments refusal to listen to the island Elders proposal to move the present school Ocean Academy out of the swamp to a better Public Health spot next to the airport at the Social Security owned Resort.
Dinner and a movie at El Divino
As always you never know who will show at an event, we ended up with a lively table of 11 people and enjoyed a nice dinner together last Wednesday night and some very funny and all over the map conversations. We talked about everything from Boa Constrictors reptiles and giant bugs to what brought people to Belize and how they made their move.
When it came time to set up the movie AV girl Mary had brought her dvd player and we found out that the plug would not work. We thought it was European but later found out it is just a strange plug that goes directly into a matching tv. My quick plan b was call Tacoboy to see if he could bring ours down. He paused sports got up off the couch, delivered our dvd player within in 15 minutes and earned some brownie points
The final movie decision thanks to Cindy and Andy’s recommend was he movie Hysteria. A mischievously inspired romantic comedy set at the end of the 19th century, the film depicting the invention of the vibrator. We all gave it two thumbs up and lots of laughs, it was the perfect movie choice.
One Day Trip: San Pedro, Belize to Cancun & Then Isla Mujeres, Mexico and The New Belize/Mexico Border
I’ve been on this trip many times before…traveling by boat or plane to the bus up the Yucatan peninsula either for vacation or to take an interenational flight. And each time it strikes me how many amazing places are SO close to Belize. We are pretty lucky.
Now I need to get from Corozal, Belize across the border to Chetumal, Mexico (less than 10 miles). And then take the ADO bus. There is a 10:30am, 12:30pm and 1:30pm (check the schedule for more times).
I planned to take the bus from Corozal bus station to Chetumal. It costs ONLY $3BZD and I had plenty of time. But I ran into my buddy from Belize Transfers and decided to splurge and do it the very easy, comfy way. He practically delivers you on a velvet pillow to your destination – the Chetumal Bus station.
Retiring in Belize can start with a holiday that maybe never ends
Some years back we wrote about retiring in Belize. It seemed a no brainer. Here was an English speaking country at the doorstep of the US and Canada, meaning you, your kids and grand kids were a few hours away from visits, yet a million miles away from the hassles, hustle, and costs of spending your golden years in a warm, sunny friendly country.
And, with the Government of Belize’s generous retirement visas, it seemed like you couldn’t afford not to retire to the Jewel. No reason to leave your favourite cars (some of us wouldn’t think of abandoning our 1967 Mercedes SL, not for one moment) furniture, life sized garden gnomes and containers worth of other personal possessions behind.
And with various retirement communities springing up like those proverbial mushroom after a rain, you can chose to live among neighbours or build your own remote hacienda in the endless acres this underpopulated little country has.
We’ve met so many people who have become amateur birders, Maya archaeologists, Spanish speakers, canoers, sailors, woodworkers and all sorts of keen hobbyists since moving here that the list seems endless.
Belize Medical Tourism Forums
BELTRAIDE invites key stakeholders in the medical and tourism sectors to the 1st Belize Medical Tourism Forum which will be held at the ITVET on Thursday, September 26, 2013 from 8:30am – 1:00pm. At this forum, international speakers will share their experience about (1) Fiscal Incentives for Medical Tourism Projects, (2) Quality and International Accreditation, (3) Insurance and Medical Tourism: Challenge and Opportunities and (4) Tourism and Health: the Importance of Emergency Response. Your presence will be greatly appreciated. Come and be a part of this forum.
“I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” in San Pedro, Ambergris Cate, Belize.
Up and out on the veranda with my mug of black coffee and the iPad (of course) yesterday morning before 04.30 hours and straight in to my In Box to see if there was any word from Excess International Movers (the company we used to ship the stuff we had in storage in the UK to Belize) as to the whereabouts of our consignment.
There was! The ship that our stuff was loaded on to in Miami had arrived in Belize City on 11 September. Only three days later than we had initially been informed that it would arrive by. But a time lag of fourteen days before we were told of its arrival. Crazy! And infuriating.
Shipping arrangements from Miami through to Belize City were via Eurocaribe Shipping Services Limited which is a company that I have now struck off the list of potential shipping agents for the stuff we are going to purchase and ship from Miami.
We now wait to be told when our stuff will be inspected by Customs and barged over to Ambergris Caye. We know that it is very close now though. But, as far as I am concerned, I still haven’t found what I’m looking for until I can get my hands on it!
International Sources
New Blockbuster IPCC Climate Report: Comprehensive, Authoritative, Conservative
Those words summarize the world's most rigorous and important scientific report in history: the 2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) climate assessment, due to be released at 4am EDT Friday in Stockholm, Sweden. The Nobel Prize-winning IPCC has put together an amazingly authoritative and comprehensive report on a subject crucial to the future of civilization, a report that will guide policymakers worldwide as they struggle to cope with the growing chaos generated by the Great Climate Disruption that is already upon us. The first 31 pages of the report, called the "Summary For Policymakers", is what will be released Friday, and this summary will lay out a powerful scientific case that significant climate change with severe impacts is already occurring, humans are mostly responsible, the pace of climate change is expected to accelerate, and we can make choices to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases to limit the damage.
Product Launch UK/US: Fair Spirits' Fair Rum
Fair Spirits has launched what it claims is the first fair-trade rum into the the US and UK.
Fair Rum follows the company's fair-trade quinoa-based vodka, which was launched in France, the US and UK in 2010. At a launch event yesterday, Fair Spirits' UK head Matthieu Boulas told just-drinks the company hopes the premium rum can match the success of the vodka, which sells around 1,000 bottles a month.
The five-year-old Fair Rum is made from sugarcane from northern Belize and aged and bottled in France. Fair Spirits says the rum is “fair-trade certified from top to bottom”, which benefits farmers in Belize and is an important selling point for consumers.
“According to research we have done, about 74% of people are ready to pay a bit more for fair-trade alcohol,” Boulas said. “People are ready to give a bit more for charity.”
Discover the Secrets of Beautiful Belize
Belize, a country of approximately 311,000 people, rests on the eastern coast of Central America. Northeast of Guatemala and south of Mexico, only 185 miles long and 75 miles wide, and formerly known as British Honduras, Belize gained its independence from Britain in 1981, making it the only English-speaking country in all of Central America. Offering a subtropical climate with brisk, prevailing trade winds from the Caribbean and an average temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit, Belize has two seasons: the dry season from December to May and the green or rainy season from June to November. The capital, Belmopan, is in the Cayo District, just one of seven districts in the country.
September 25, 2013

Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.
Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7 and Channel 5
Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Salvadoran military band performs free concert for Ambergris Caye residents
Residents of Ambergris Caye as well as visitors enjoyed a spectacular musical night on the 21st of September. The concert was a gift from the Government of El Salvador and comprised of 64 musicians from “La Banda Sinfónica de la Fuerza Armada de El Salvador.” Their performance in San Pedro Town was part of a countrywide tour in honor of Belize’s patriotic celebrations.
A short ceremony started with a beautiful rendition of the national anthems of both countries. Mayor of San Pedro Town Daniel Guerrero as well as the Area Representative Manuel Heredia Jr. were present at the event, and when speaking to the residents and addressing the members of the band, they both spoke of the long standing relationship between Belize and El Salvador.
Land Information System temporarily down
The Public is advised that due to damage to our servers caused by lightning storms over the weekend, the Land Information System at the Lands and Survey Department went offline. The IT technicians at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Agriculture have isolated the problem and the system has been repaired. The Land Information System is currently being restored from our daily backup servers. The Lands and Survey Department has resumed partial services to the general public today. Our technicians are working with the international IT partners to bring the Land Information System to full operations as quickly as possible. The Ministry expects the system to be fully operational by midday tomorrow, 25th September 2013 when all services will be available to the public. The Ministry thanks the public for its patience and understanding on this matter and reassures the public that all land information is completely secured.
San Pedro residents join in Independence Day Celebrations
Activities to commemorate the 32nd anniversary of Belize’s Independence Day celebration spanned two days on Ambergris Caye. It started with the official Independence Eve Ceremony, followed by the Midnight Flag Raising Ceremony and concluded with an international concert at the old Saca Chispas Football Field. For the first time, the Independence Day speeches by the various leaders were delivered on the eve of the occasion.
The ceremony kicked off with much pomp and circumstance as the arrival of the various dignitaries was announced. Once all the invited guests were seated, the island’s Queen Miss Solani Graniel, escorted by Deputy Mayor Guillermo “Mito” Paz, and was led by the San Pedro High School Marching Band.
First to speak was the Mayor of San Pedro Town Daniel Guerrero who highlighted the many accomplishments under his administration. He stressed that the council has invested in improving the municipality’s infrastructure through the street rehabilitation project, the increase of scholarships for students amongst other programs. He ended by inviting all Belizeans to unit and join in the celebration to mark the country’s independence.
Ambergris Caye observes National Service Day with different activities
On Thursday September 19th, the country observed National Service Day. Organizations, schools and various entities conducted several activities in their respective communities. The celebration was set aside to commemorate Belize’s National Hero and Father of the Nation, Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price. On Ambergris Caye there was no shortage of events as many students and residents joined in the different activities. As part of the activities for National Service Day, the San Pedro Town Council visited all the pre-schools on the island where they spent time with the students. Mayor of San Pedro Town Daniel Guerrero, his councilors and support staff joined in as they distributed coloring books along with refreshments to the students. The students smiled as they graciously accepted the gesture made by the council.
SPTC still faced with traffic issues as they work on traffic SI for the island
And while the increase of private motor vehicles is one issue, so are the taxis on the island. Not only have residents expressed displeasure at the attitude of most taxi drivers who stop wherever they want, drive above the speed limit and even take up most of the parking space in the down town area, but the issue of an increase in the number of taxi vehicles has also been questioned. “I agree that there is congestion when it comes to the parking and the area in which the taxis park. The congestion within the downtown area is caused by the same taxi drivers that exist right now because they are based within town. When we finish with our SI, things will change. All of them (taxi drivers) will not be allowed to park where they are currently parking. In addition, we cannot just stop the issuing of taxi permits because the town was not properly planned. We must work together in fixing the problem, identify parking areas, look at the size of vehicle that will be allowed to park on the streets within the town core, regulate the size of taxi and the number of taxis that will be allowed to be at their base at any given time – all of that will be address in the SI,” explained the Mayor.
The traffic issues drastically escalated during the past administration, and the council is working on an SI that will address some of the traffic problems. Mayor Guerrero would not say when the SI would be completed, but he did say that works in finalizing it is ongoing.
Marco Gonzalez Archaeological Site Remains Closed
As of September 19th, the Marco Gonzalez Archaeological is temporarily closed due to all the high water from a recent tropical depression and unusually high tides helped along by a full moon cycle. Jan Brown, President of the MGMSAC, Ltd., walked or rather waded into the site on Thursday only to find the boardwalk over 50% flooded. "As a safety precaution, I've put a sign at the first of the walkway asking people to not enter the boardwalk," says Brown. "I found the water had floated several boards as well as caused several pallet sections to become loose from the base. And the biggest concern I have is that one of our resident crocs will have found a place to rest on the flooded boards. That's an adventure I surely don't want a visitor to have!"
A walk about the site revealed the water was still encroached on some of the pathway on the west and south sides. "There is a certain area on the NW side where I didn't even have to visit as that is low and prone to normal tidal activity." But, Brown noticed that some brave soul had wandered in as evidenced by footprints in the wet pathway. Who came first - the human or the resident raccoon? And how about the fact that the footprints only went one way?
Independence Day Parade in San Pedro 2013 (98 photos)
San Pedro celebrated the 32nd Independence Day of Belize in grand style on September 21st! Were you there? If not you sure missed a good mark your calendar for 2014 and join us in the festivities! — at San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye.
Ambergris Today
San Pedro Parades in All Colors Celebrating Belize's Independence Day
Residents of San Pedro took to the streets of Ambergris Caye to celebrate, jump up and parade in observance of Belize’s 32nd Independence Anniversary this past Saturday, September 21, 2013. Parading revelers celebrated in costumes and floats of all colors that brought out this year’s theme: ‘Belize in You, Belize in Belize, Land of the Free’.
Needless to say the parade was full of color, energy and life as residents showed what Belizean’s do best – have fun and show patriotic pride! Enjoy our picture and video highlights of this year’s Independence Day Parade in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye.
Anonymous Generous Donation to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Project
The Special Envoy for Women and Children and Founder of the Lifeline Foundation, Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow is pleased to announce a generous donation of BZD$500,000 for the new Pediatric Intensive Care Unit now under construction at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. The donor prefers to remain anonymous. It is the first half of a $1,000,000 pledge.
It is comforting to know that people recognize the significance of this project and the great need for a properly equipped and staffed facility for our children. This donation will be a huge help in our efforts to ensure that Belize gets its first dedicated Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to give newborns and critically ill children the best possible healthcare right here at home.
The First Belize Independence Parade
The year 1981, thirty two years ago, on September 21, Belize witnessed the first Independence Day parade ever and it took place in the commercial capital, Belize City. By Belize standards this was the biggest parade in memory. Take a look at the parade in Belize City. It was one solid mass of people from the foot of the Belize Swing Bridge all the way down Albert Street as far as the eyes could see. In a city of some 40,000 this parade must have had 50% of the entire inhabitants of the city. No trucks, no golf carts, no floats- only men, women, and children rejoicing on the freedom of Belize. It was a freedom sought from our Colonial masters since 1798 and intensifying in 1950 when heroes like George Price and Phillip Goldson and Nicolas Pollard among others founded the People’s Committee which was later to become the People’s United Party. This parade was a true image of patriotism.
VIDEO: San Pedro Parades for Belize 32nd Independence Anniversary
Residents of San Pedro took to the streets of Ambergris Caye to celebrate, jump up and parade in observance of Belize's 32nd Independence Anniversary this past Saturday, September 21, 2013. Parading revelers celebrated in costumes and floats of all colors that brought out this year's theme: 'Belize in You, Belize in Belize, Land of the Free
Misc Belizean Sources
San Pedro CHILDREN'S TALENT SHOW 2013 (46 photos)
Mayor Daniel Guerrero was a guest speaker at the Patriotic Children's Rally that was held at the auditorium at San Pedro High School. Inspirational and Motivational Speaker, 11 Year Old, Anthony Gill shared with the kids about bullying. The Mayor also handed out certificated of participation to various teachers and students who showed their patriotism in their school.
VIDEO: Belize Carnival Day
Belize Carnival signifies the celebration of Life. Take a look at the amazing costumes, colors and the people that came out on this day to celebrate.
Legends of Belize Creature Book
In Belize, Central America, there are terrifying stories about strange mythical creatures that roam the jungles and waters. Stories so terrifying, they are past down from generation to generation as folklore and legends.
Discover fascinating but terrifying creatures; such as Tata Duende, Xtabai, Llorona, Sisimito, and many more that are believed to haunt Belize. The ancient legends are captured, documented, and preserved by Belizean Artists and Animators, GrissyG and Dismas. in a series of fine Art, logo Art, and brief descriptions about the cryptozoological, paranormal, supernatural, and unexplained.
Be fascinated, be terrified, Belize.
Belmopan Active Youth Receives Grant
The Belmopan Active Youth group received $100,000 from the US Embassy for drug prevention around Belmopan. 45 youth leaders will be trained with the funds. Sports competitions, aimed at giving kids better things to do, will also be funded with the money. They'll also refurb and classify 6 city parks as drug free zones. Great work, BAY!
El Salvador Symphonic Orchestra Pictures
The El Salvador Military Symphony Orchestra played their free show Monday night at the Cayo Welcome Center. We're averaging around 5 cultural events at the Cayo Welcome Center every week this month.
"Their grand performance included popular renditions from ABBA, Carlos Santana, the Beatles and even theme songs from movies such as Rocky III and Star Wars to name a few."
Harriot Topsey Fruit Park Revitaliztion
The Institute of Archaeology along with the Institute for Social and Cultural Research spent National Service Day revitalizing Harriot Topsey Park in Belmopan. Thanks, everyone, it looks great!
"The staff of the Institute for Social & Cultural Research & the Institute of Archaeology teamed up together to give the Harriot Topsey Park a fresh paint job!" More pics...
UB Business Proposal Writing Seminar
The University of Belize will host a free Business Proposal writing seminar tomorrow morning at 9:00am. If you want to learn how to write a winning business proposal, then this is the seminar for you. They are teaming up with the DFC to celebrate 50 years of investing in the Belizean economy.
"Special event for aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners... come and take advantage of a FREE BUSINESS PROPOSAL WRITING SEMINAR!! (Wednesday Sept 25, 2013 9a.m - 11:00 a.m. at the University of Belize Belmopan Campus)"
Residents of what's known as the Albion Islands in the north are enduring flooded communities. NEMO Orange Walk and NEMO Corozal are on alert and stand ready to assist. Here is a look at the situation in Douglas village, Orange Walk.
Recent rains in the north caused inconveniences for families in Concepcion village. One family had to bail out their house and set up sand bags to try and keep the water out.
Channel 7
Teenaged Student Killed In Broad Daylight in Orange Walk
An 18 year old high school student from Biscayne Village was killed in Orange Walk Town this afternoon. Around 4:15, Darrell Wade was stabbed by an adult male. It happened not far from his school - when a man who was walking in front of him took out a knife and stabbed the teenager in his chest. Information suggests that the two may have had a misunderstanding before this - based on the fact that the suspect believed Wade may have had some role in beating up his little brother two weeks ago.
Whatever the case, Wade, still in his school uniform and carrying a school bag, was stabbed in front of the People's Stadium and collapsed to the street in a pool of blood. A nearby female vendor picked him up and rushed him to the hospital in her vehicle. But it was too late, he died shortly after. It happened in broad daylight and Police have a known suspect who they are looking for tonight. Wade was a student at New Hope High School.
Hon. Skerrit Detained, Humiliated By Belize Coast Guard
As we told you last week, the Prime Minister of Dominica Roosevelt Skerrit came to Belize for the Independence Festivities as a guest of honour. He told us he got a personal invite of Prime Minister Dean Barrow.
On Saturday, after speaking graciously at the Independence Day Official Ceremonies, Skerrit was taken to San Pedro for a stay at Victoria House. In the afternoon, he was taken by boat to see the Hol Chan Marine Reserve and Shark Ray Alley, escorted by a representative of the Tourism Board, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a police escort from Special Branch and his own security. The group was supposed to have been trailed by the Coast Guard for security purposes, which is standard for VIP's - but the coast Guard vessel didn't show up on time - so the trip went ahead without them.
As it turned out, the Coast Guard vessel with four officers on board showed up when Skerrit and the delegation was heading back. They were almost back at Victoria House but the Coast Guard stopped the boat, and proceeded to detain and question them - detained by tying the Skerritt boat unto the Coast Guard Vessel so it couldn't move. The coast guard personnel was explicitly told by Skerrit's Belizean escorts that the Prime Minister of Dominica was on board. According to what we've heard, the Coast Guard Officer, one Ogaldez gave no acknowledgement of this - brusquely asking, "Who is the Prime Minister?" and when Skerritt answered, "I am", Ogaldez ignored him.
Suspect Suspensions At Dept Of Immigration
The three immigration officers who are facing suspension are all from the Passport section of the Immigration Department - including two data entry clerks and the head of that section, Sharon-Neal Flowers. That's news because no one from the Nationality Section has been suspended, and those with knowledge of the process say that the file for Kim Won Hong had to originate in the Nationality Section. But that file has disappeared - and all that's known at this time is that the application signed by Minister of State Elvin Penner is still on record at the passport section.
As we reported Penner signed the photograph and application for Kim Won Hong who is in jail in Taiwan awaiting extradition to South Korea. He is accused of embezzling a vast sum of money - and the man accusing him is a former high ranking executive who's already in jail in south Korea. Won Hong allegedly got the Belizean passport dated September 9th, 2013, to try and avoid extradition. Best information says he has never entered Belize and never qualified for nationality.
Police Looking For Hit and Run Driver
Police say they are looking for this man Freddy Hernan Villada; he is believed to have been the one driving the Chevy pickup truck that knocked Erron Golanche off his motorbike and killed him.
It happened on Friday 20th September at 10:45 pm on Palmar Road in Orange Walk Town where a pickup swerved into Golanche's path and knocked him and his passenger, 24 year old Fernando Ical off the motorbike. The pickup kept going, dragging the motorbike along for a great distance. After it could go no more, the driver got out and ran.
Golanche died on the spot, while Ical was hospitalized in a stable condition. The vehicle remains impounded while police are looking for Freddy VILLEDA.
Police Make Peace With Contrary Queen
Last night you saw the quite incredible independence day stunt that Yancy Bautista pulled in Succotz village. She snatched the crown from the young lady who was being crowned Independence Queen. The reason? Yancy was the queen but because she felt she had been jilted her out of the package promised to her as winner, and because they wanted her to wear what she calls a second hand dress, she refused to accept the crown - and apparently didn't want anyone else to have it either!
It's one heck of a stunt, but it's also a criminal offence, two actually: assault of the runner up and destruction of property - namely the crown. So yesterday, the officer in charge of Benque Viejo ASP Disndale Thompson had a meeting with all parties, Yancy, who he calls, Queen A, the runner-up, who he calls Queen B, and the village chairman of Succtoz.
Civic To Be Dismantled, Not Demolished
The Prime Minister's Independence day address doesn't usually discuss the location of cranes but he had to make a point of it on Saturday because everyone's been waiting so long for the disused and long condemned city center to be demolished. Well, work started on Monday and we went to find out more today. But, to our surprise the dismantling of sport's biggest eyesore was not the news - the story was the kind of labour being employed to do it! Jules Vasquez reports:..
Jules Vasquez reporting
Finally work has started on the dismantling of the decrepit City center.
The building was condemned years ago - but still the City Center endured mostly as a testament to government's inability to tear it down.
Francis Woods, CISCO Construction
"We have several operations happening; we have the cleaning out of the under floor, we have the taking off of the wall - that's the most skilled one and that one has to be done carefully because of safety reasons. We don't want those zinc dropping. We don't want those guys falling off the baskets. That one has to be very carefully done."
Rosewood Keeps Popping Up
Rosewood may be on a strict moratorium but the precious hardwood is still being extracted from forests in the south!
A joint operation led by the Forestry Department on Friday took them into the Deep River Forest Reserve to an area which can only be accessed by waterways.
They found over a thousand feet had been cut - which they started to extract by boat.
Today, Chief Forest Officer Wilbur Sabido told KRem Raido News about it:..
Wilbur Sabido, Chief Forest Officer
"We on Friday found over 50 pieces of Rosewood totaling approximately 1500 board feet."
KREM reporter
"What will be done with the Rosewood once it is all retrieve from the area?"
British Naval Vessel In Belizean Waters
The Navy Seamen from the HMS Lancaster participated in the Independence Ceremony in Belmopan. Many were wondering if they came just for that event - but as Monica Bodden found out yesterday, their ship had been docked off the coast of Belize for some time. She went to find out why they are here in Belize.
Monica Bodden reporting
HMS Lancaster - a Royal Navy Warship has docked in Belize Waters - About 15 minutes away from Belize City, we were invited out to sea to check out the Duke class Type 23 frigate, known as the Queen's Frigate. The ship left the UK in May and will be in Belize Waters until the end of the Hurricane Season.
It is here for 3 primary purposes - defence of overseas territories, counter narcotics and Humanitarian Disaster Relief.
Lt. Cdr Adrian Gubby - Weapon Officer Engineer
"We left the UK in May and we will be out here for the end of November, the end of the hurricane season. We are here for 3 primary purposes: defence of overseas territories, counter narcotics and also humanitarian and disaster relief, in the unfortunate a hurricane come to the Caribbean and damages any of the islands out there."
Albion Islands In Northern Belize Flood Out
Tonight, the NEMO Branches of Orange Walk and Corozal remain on alert to assist the villages in the Orange Walk District called the Albion Islands.
It is a well-known flood-prone area which has been experiencing flash floods for several days now due to the rise in the Rio Hondo. Today, 7News went to Orange Walk where we spoke with the Regional Director who told us about the efforts they've been making to assist the villages of Douglas, Santa Cruz, San Roman, and San Antonio. Here's how he explained NEMO's intervention:
Elodio Aragon Sr. - Regional Director, NEMO Orange Walk and Corozal
"We have managed to assist them to be able to come to town. There are a lot of problems that are post, for example, we know that students have to come to school very early, so we have given them priority - they come first in the boats and then the workers and then others."
Investors In Dangriga Project Pack Up their Stuff
The SIF scandal may have faded from the headlines briefly but investors Emy Ramirez and Lyndon Bailey still have what the money people call, "skin in the game", or to put it more simply, money in the project. And so as SIF gets ready to send the project out for tender again, Ramirez and Lyndon Bailey are trying to get their hands on what they can to best protect their investment.
Ramirez says she wants SIF to audit her material on site or to address the fact that Kennard Smart and K&G Construction is not going to hand over any site, so in a release, she says, quote "they must deal with me the actual contractor on the ground."
But SIF maintains the position that they have no contract signed with Emy Ramirez, so they will continue to try and contact the contractor to have him hand over the project.
Police Beat Up Boy “For Nothing”
Kadeesh Bernard was picked up by Belmopan Police on Independence night, thrown into a cell and beaten up. His mother went to find out what was the matter and she was then roughed up by the police. They came to our studio yesterday to tell us of what they say is an abuse of power by police - who could not say why the young man had been detained. Kadeesh, who lost two teeth in the ordeal has difficulty speaking because of the injuries to his mouth, but he told us what happened - or at least the part he can remember:..
Kadeesh Bernard
"Sir, all I remember is that 3 policemen came into the cell, two of them hold me down and the other police choked me. I couldn't do anything. I was trying to cry out for my mother but I couldn't."
"All I remember was that I was getting up from off the ground and blood was in my mouth and I couldn't speak."
Channel 5
Meet the 3 immigration officers suspended in passport scandal
Cabinet met today, but up to news time there is no new official information surfacing on the passport scandal involving Elvin Penner and other public officers in the Immigration Department. [...]
Taiwanese protocol officer complains negligent behaviour by Edmund “Clear the Land” Castro
Minister of State in the Ministry of Transport, Edmund “Clear the Land” Castro, has been accused of negligent behavior of a sexual nature. The news came out of Taiwan late [...]
Another major rosewood bust in the south
Rosewood might not be exactly on the center stage right now, but if you’re thinking that means that loggers and exporters have given up on the precious wood, you would [...]
SIF refuses to audit construction material at Dangriga market site
The scandal at the Social Investment Fund can potentially give Belize a bad rap among international lending agencies such as the World Bank and Caribbean Development Bank that provide funding [...]
Should Elvin Penner be criminally charged for the illegal issuance of passport to South Korean national?
And tonight’s question is: Should Cayo Rep Elvin Penner be criminally charged for the illegal issuance of a Belize passport to a South Korean national? Yes or No. Send your [...]
New Hope High School student stabbed to death days after his birthday
There was a stabbing in Orange Walk this afternoon which claimed the life of an eighteen year old student of New Hope High School. Police are still conducting a preliminary [...]
The first meeting of the PAC, sans Opposition participation
The Public Accounts Committee, sans Opposition participation, held a meeting in Belmopan on Monday. Because of the volume of news on Monday, we held back that story for today. As [...]
Flooding up north: water levels continue to rise in San Antonio
Last week, News Five was in rural Orange Walk where communities on the banks of the Rio Hondo were experiencing signs of imminent flooding. In San Antonio, just twenty minutes [...]
Female Special Constable charged for allegedly assaulting a minor with a knife
Thirty-one year old Natalie Hamilton, a special constable of a Periwinkle Street address, appeared in magistrate’s court this morning, after being charged with aggravated assault upon a minor. Hamilton, who [...]
Police Constable once again free on bail…this time for damage to property
It’s the second time that he has been criminally charged since he was placed on interdiction and tonight Police Constable, Edward Castillo is once again free on bail. Castillo, a [...]
Belmopan student alleges police brutality
Complaints of the excessive use of force by officers of the Belize Police Department are regularly aired in our newscasts. Tonight, there is another allegation to add to the growing [...]
Raising awareness on endangered manatees species during manatee month
The manatee, locally known as the sea cow, is listed as an endangered species in Belize; it is estimated that the population is between seven hundred and nine hundred. Over [...]
British warship docks off the coast of the Old Capital
Given its geographic location, Belize has long been determined as a transit point for drugs coming from Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. It is estimated that the amount of cocaine passing [...]
Traffic Mishaps on Philip Goldson Highway
There was a traffic accident today that could have ended in a mass casualty situation, but luckily it didn’t.
It happened at a few minutes before one this afternoon in front of Smart Phone Company near mile 3 on the George Price Highway. The incident involved three vehicles traveling in the same direction: two Ford Focus SUV’s and a Toyota Camry. No one was injured in the incident, although the Camry, which was traveling behind the two SUV’s, received the worst damage. (VO ends)
Meanwhile, earlier in the day before nine this morning, a red pick-up truck collided into the back of a Haylock’s Passenger Bus in front of BEL headquarters on the same highway.
Biscayne Student Murdered After Class
A student of New Hope High School high school was stabbed and killed shortly after classes let out today. 18 year old Darrel wade, a third form student of New Hope High School, was walking on Stadium street along with his close friend, another 3rd form student sometime around 4 o’clock when they made their usual stop to purchase boiled corn from a street side vendor when they were approached by a man on a bicycle. An eye witness told Love News who asked us not to record her voice, told us that a dark complexion man seemingly in his 20’s approached the student and said quote “ you di fight with me lee bredda” and inflicted the wound. The witness says the boy ran across the street into a shop to get away, when he came back out he was bleeding profusely and collapsed across the street. That bloody spot where he collapsed is now covered with stand. Love News understands that the incident unfolded in front of a number of other students from both New Hope High School and Orange Walk Technical High school. Wade was quickly rushed to the northern regional hospital where we understand, the medical team worked for almost an hour to save him. Wade was pronounced dead by Doctor Coleman. He had received a single stab wound straight to the heart.
Troubles Continue with Dangriga Market Project, Investors and SIF
Troubles continue in relation to the Social Investment Fund as Investors and Contractors, Emy Gilharry Ramirez and Lyndon Bailey have not heard from the company in terms of the losses they have incurred from the Dangriga Market Project. In an official press release today from Ramirez, they point out that her work crew continues working on site but has repeatedly requested a meeting with SIF to address their work on site, to certify the extent of works done and do an audit of the material still on site, but there’s been nothing forthcoming from the company. Ramirez is quoted as saying quote, “SIF is refusing to be responsible and their unprofessional conduct has cost me even more money and while I have tried to reach out to SIF, they are now refusing to address my concerns” end quote. The release further says that as a result of assurance by SIF’s Senior Officials, especially Ernest Raymond continued to expend money on the projects explaining that quote “ the negligent conduct of SIF is very telling of their management of the entire project and now as one individual so adversely affected by the recent revelations of corruption and bribery, I demand an independent investigation into all aspects of this project since someone needs to account for the money I have invested in this project and SIF is only now refusing to pay” end quote.
Police News: Robbery, Drugs and Post Mortem
Angel Manzanilla a forty one year old Supervisor and deliveryman of Phillip Neal Butane Gas Station in Belize City reported to police that he was robbed. The incident occurred around 6:00 yesterday evening. Manzanilla says he was making a delivery on George Street along with his sideman, when two dark complexioned men, approached them. One of the men, was reportedly armed with a handgun, pointed it to him and relieved him of his jewelry and wallet which contained an undisclosed amount of cash and personal items. The sideman was reportedly robbed of his cell phone and an undisclosed amount of cash. Both thieves made good their escape and police are now investigating.
A minor has been detained for drug offences in San Pedro Town. According to police, they were on mobile patrol in front of the San Pedro High School when their attention was drawn to two male persons who rode off when they saw them. Police pursued them and caught them on the beach front within a hundred yards from the high school. They were both searched and they found a black plastic bag which contained suspected cannabis amounting to 31.3 grams on the minor. He has since been detained.
Passport Scandal Trickles Down From Minister to Clerks
Yesterday we reported that in the ongoing investigation into the passport scandal in which a South Korean national obtained a Belize passport while in prison, the Public Service Commission has recommended the immediate suspension of the three officers pending the findings. This afternoon we understand the three officers were handed their suspension letters. They are data entry clerks Omar Phillips and Orwin Robinson and Sharon Neal Flowers who is the Port Commander in Belmopan. Neal Flowers is at times tasked to hold over the department in the absence of the director. In its release
the Ministry of Labour, Local Government, Immigration and Nationality said it is satisfied that there has been a serious breach of the regulations and rules governing the issuance of this passport and that the officers did, whether through negligence or knowledge allow a fraud to occur on the system. The Ministry says it has also installed additional safeguards to discourage further attempts to compromise the system.
Lightning Storm Affects Belize’s Land Information System
Over the weekend lightning storms caused unforeseen damage to the servers at the Land Information System causing it go to offline at the Lands and Survey Department. IT technicians at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Agriculture have isolated the problem and the system has been repaired. The Land Information System is currently being restored from the daily backup servers. The Lands and Survey Department has resumed partial services to the general public today and according to a release issued out by the Ministry, technicians are working with the international IT partners to bring the Land Information System to full operations as quickly as possible. The Ministry expects the system to be fully operational by midday tomorrow when all services will be available to the public.
Tourist Village Drug Bust Lands Tourists in Court
Two men, 21 year old American national, Jeffrey Rodgers and 23 year old St. Martin national Jeron Harrigan, who were both tourists form a cruise ship, were charged with possession of a controlled drug when they appeared today in the court of Magistrate Clive Lino. The both pled guilty to the charges. Rodgers, who was busted with eight grams of cannabis, was fined 800 dollars and he was ordered to pay forthwith, in default eight months imprisonment. Rodgers paid the fine and he was released. Harrigan, who was busted with four point seven grams of cannabis, was fined 400 dollars and he was ordered to pay forthwith, in default four months imprisonment. He paid the fine and he was released. Both men were busted at the Tourist Village.
Demolition Works Begin on Belize City’s Civic Centre
In his Independence Day speech, Prime Minister Barrow, announced that thirty million dollars has been allotted for the dismantling and re-building of the civic center into a multipurpose building. It was anticipated that the Government of Mexico would have funded the project, but Barrow stated in his address that the money will be solely provided by the Government of Belize through the Belize Infrastructure Limited, BIL. Dismantling of the civic center began yesterday and today Love News visited the site and found out when it will be completed.
“Back in 2010 engineers declared that the Belize Civic Center was unsafe to be utilized and today under the supervision of engineers; the massive structure began to be slowly dismantled. The one point three million dollar contract for the dismantling was awarded to CISCO Construction and according to the C.E.O., Francisco Woods; it should take about five months for the entire structured to be completely dismantled. “
BELTRAIDE Leads The Way in Making Belize A Medical Tourism Destination
Twenty-one year old Andres Bailey, charged with two counts of unnatural crime and one count of aggravated assault, was acquitted of the charges of unnatural crime and was found guilty of aggravated assault by a jury of nine yesterday in the court of Justice Adolph Lucas. The jury deliberated for a little over three hours before it arrived at its verdict. Justice Lucas has deferred sentencing until Wednesday, September 25 in order to give Bailey time to prepare a plea for mitigation. The complainant, a minor, testified that Bailey sexually assaulted him on April 24, 2009, in Ladyville. He also testified that Bailey first sodomized him between April 25, 2009 and June 24, 2010. The second incident of unnatural crime occurred, he said, on June 25, 2010. Bailey, who was not represented by any attorney, took the witness stand and testified that he did not commit any of the offences. The trial began on Tuesday, September 17.
Jorge Tzib Murdered in San Ignacio
Residents of the town of San Ignacio woke up Monday morning to the news that a gruesome murder had taken place in the early hours . The victim was 28 year old Jorge Tzib of Shawville Area, San Ignacio Town. Police say that at about...
Hit and run accident leaves Erron Golanche dead
Erron Golanche, a graphic designer, artist and sometime musician, tragically lost his life in a road traffic accident in Orange Walk Town over the weekend. Mother Jerrilyn Flowers spoke to PLUS News on Monday and told us what she knows of the tragedy. Jerrilyn Flowers – Mother of Erron...
First Public Hearing of the PAC held in Belmopan
The first public hearing of the Public Accounts Committee was held on Monday in the Chambers of the National Assembly. The meeting was conducted in two parts, a morning and afternoon session and saw the absence of a few members, as well as the present of some new faces....
More revealed on passport irregularities
PLUS News continues to follow developments in the scandal surrounding now-former Minister of State in the Immigration Ministry Elvin Penner who was made to resign last Wednesday by Prime Minister Dean Barrow. More information has been revealed about the individual in whose name a passport was issued. He is...
Traffic accident in Ladyville could have been worse
Three persons are lucky to be alive following a nearly tragic set of circumstances in Ladyville over the weekend. According to Inspector Christopher Noble of the Ladyville Police substation, Good Samaritans seeking to respond to a previous accident on the highway were themselves hit by an...
PM addresses Homosexuality in Independance Day Speech
The part of Prime Minister Dean Barrow’s Independence Day address that perhaps raised the most eyebrows was his peroration on the matter of the culture wars being fought in Belize particularly over homosexuality. With no news of a decision by Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin on the claim by Caleb...
Belmopan Mayor says infrastructure needs urgent upgrade
In his speech on Independence Day, the Mayor of Belmopan Simeon Lopez had some news for the residents of Belmopan. Simeon Lopez – Mayor of Belmopan: This Council is very much aware of the condition in which our infrastructure has deteriorated. Therefore, this address will deal mainly with this...
Belmopan businessman Mike Menjivar cleared of charges stemming from GSU raid
On Monday morning at the Supreme Court of Belize, Justice Denis Hanomansingh finally gave his verdict on one of the most high profile prosecutions of 2011. This is the case of well known businessman Miguel Angel Menjivar who owns and runs the famous La Cabaña restaurant and bar in...
Police promote Cadet Corps Program
The Police Department has been actively promoting its Police Cadet Corps program and on Monday Inspector Christopher Noble provided an update on activities in the Burrell Boom area. Inspector Christopher Noble: For the first time the Police Cadets, which was recently formed in Burrell Boom, did a flag raising...
Beauty Queen of San Jose Succotz felt she was jilted out of her crown
It is said that “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”… And we use that term to describe, not a love triangle, but a September celebrations beauty queen of San Jose Succotz, that felt that she was jilted out of her crown. Eighteen year...
Caye Caulker Chronicles
Health Committee plans clean up of the island
The Caye Caulker Health Committee is planning to have 2 days cleaning campaign on the island on Sept 28th and 29th (Saturday and Sunday). We will be starting from the Split going down to the south of the island, at 7am until... your help will be very much appreciated if you can meet us and help to keep our island clean. Please bring along some gloves and plastic garbage bags, please let me know if you are willing to help keep our island clean.
Fitch Affirms Belize Sovereign Investments III (Cayman) Limited at 'A+'
Fitch Ratings has affirmed the rating on the following notes issued by Belize Sovereign Investments III (Cayman) Limited (BSI): --$85.7 million notes at 'A+'; Outlook Stable. The notes are backed by two restructured government of Belize (GOB) sovereign obligations (underlying notes) from the country's debt restructuring in 2007. In addition, the notes benefit from two insurance policies underwritten by Steadfast Insurance Company (Steadfast) covering non-payment by the GOB. The rating of the notes addresses timely payment of interest and principal on a semi-annual basis. In August 2012, the GOB announced that it was unable to make payment on its U.S. dollar Step-Up Bonds due 2029, which include the underlying notes. After making partial payment in September 2012, the GOB entered into restructuring negotiations and came to an agreement with bondholders in March 2013.
Why Belize is the Hottest New Caribbean Destination
While vacations in Belize are not a new idea, our awareness of them is. Belize is everywhere you look these days, thanks in part to their recent advertising campaigns. And for good reason, Belize is tropical and lush, distinctive yet wild, and not to be missed. Whether you consider it part of Central America due to its location or a Caribbean paradise thanks to the warm Caribbean Sea, Belize will not disappoint in the variety and uniqueness of offerings. If you’re worried that Belize will become another overcrowded tourist destination, we got the inside scoop on private tours, private suites and even whole private islands to discover what makes Belize the hottest new Caribbean Destination.
Why Visit Belize
Located just south of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula and east of Guatemala, Belize borders the Caribbean Sea and offers the warm sea breezes, cerulean Caribbean waters and average temperatures in the 80’s year round.
Taking a Plunge in Belize
Strapped in and dangling from a cable, I cautiously peer over the tree stand. My heart is in my throat. Somehow, the lush dense green of the rainforest almost lessens the severity of a 140-feet drop. Before I know it, I’m gliding effortlessly over the treetops and marveling at the beauty of this island gem (in between giddy girl screams, of course). Belize has completely won me over.
Zip lining thorough a tropical rain forest is just one of many jaw dropping experience visitors can add to their bucket list. Sacred caves and ancient Maya temples, world-class diving and snorkeling, and memorable dining options are just a few to consider.
Situated between Mexico and Guatemala, Belize encompasses the best of both worlds. On one side, you’ll find Central American jungles, on the other side – the Caribbean Sea. With that map, it’s no wonder Belize a primary port of call for many cruise lines. That was the case with us – just an excursion day. After one visit, though, I decided just one day here would never be enough.
Our zip-lining adventure took place in Caves Branch Archeological Reserve, southwest of Belize City. Many local tour guides are available, and packages can often include zip lining and cave tubing (which we also did).
F.A.A. Nears New Rules on Devices
The rules on when to turn off electronic devices on airplanes have long been a sour, and sometimes contentious, point for travelers. But faced with a surge of electronics on airplanes and under pressure from a growing number of tech-savvy — and increasingly tech-dependent — passengers, the Federal Aviation Administration recognized that change was inevitable.
This week, an F.A.A. advisory panel will meet to complete its recommendations to relax most of the restrictions. The guidelines are expected to allow reading e-books or other publications, listening to podcasts, and watching videos, according to several of the panel’s members who requested anonymity because they could not comment on the recommendations. The ban on sending and receiving e-mails and text messages or using Wi-Fi during takeoff or landing is expected to remain in place, as is the prohibition on making phone calls throughout the flight, the panel members said.
September 24, 2013

Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.
Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7 and Channel 5
Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Kudos to the Flota girls!
Birthdays are extra special for young children, as it more than likely means a party, complete with cake and goodies, and of course, presents! But that’s not how everyone does it, as The San Pedro Sun has found out about three wonderful girls who preferred to raise funds for a worthy cause instead of getting presents on their birthdays. Alejandra (10), Arianna (8) and Addison (4) Flota asked their wonderful birthday party guests to kindly make contributions to their cause, rather than bring presents. Those generous guests in turn helped the girls be able to hand over $730 to Saga Humane Society on September 17, 2013!
San Pedro celebrates Belize’s 32nd independence
While Belize is still a relatively young nation, her people take pride in celebrating their independence from British rule. Excitement and cheer are displayed in a parade of colors and Belizean pride every 21st of September. After the formalities of the Independence Eve, the jump up is a joyous celebration of patriotism. In San Pedro Town, elaborate costumes adorned the streets as the jump-up crowd made their way through the town streets. The 32nd Independence Day parade route was set to start from the beach in front of San Pedro High School and make its way into town central and ending up at Central Park. Residents of all ages crowded the street sides of the parade route from early, to ensure they got a good viewing spot. The parade kicked off shortly after 1PM, islanders ready to party in the streets adorned with an array of feathers, beads and lots of glitter. Leading the parade was Miss San Pedro 2013-2014 Solani Graniel in a beautifully decorated float depicting the best Ambergris Caye has to offer: sand, sun and sea.
Ambergris Today
Ramon’s Village Resort Open For Business
Rebuilding underway following fire, staff eager to welcome guests - Ramon’s Village Resort is pleased to announce that the iconic beach resort located on the island of Ambergris Caye, Belize is now open for business following a fire at the resort on Tuesday, August 27th. While a portion of the resort sustained fire damage with rebuilding already underway, 30 authentic thatched roof cabanas on the north side of the property are open for occupancy as well as ten quaint cottages at the Belizean Princess located just across the street from Ramon’s. The warm sand, azure blue waters of the western Caribbean and delightful cabanas at Ramon’s Village and stylish cottages at the Belizean Princess, all nestled among native flora and fauna, await our beloved guests.
San Pedro Commemorates Belize's 32nd Independence Anniversary
Bringing in the 32nd Anniversary of Belize’s Independence, the San Pedro Town Council held the official flag raising ceremony and fireworks display on Friday, September 20, 2013. The festivities kicked off with the annual block party held at Central Park.
The official ceremony had speeches of goodwill by Mayor Daniel Guerrero and Hon. Manuel Heredia Jr., Minister of Tourism, dance presentations by the San Pedro Dance Academy and a song by Elina Palma. The crowds parted and gave way to the arrival of Miss San Pedro 2013 Solani Graniel into Central Park. She was accompanied by Deputy Mayor Mito Paz and led by the San Pedro High School Marching Band and the Torch Bearers made up by members of the San Pedro Leos Club.
This year the Belize Coast Guard assembly was lead by Sanpedrana Almita Pinelo Coast Guard Adjutant, who just recently became a member of the Belize Coast Guard after completing her training in the United States of America. Almita had the honor of leading the Belize Coast Guard assembly into Central Park, inviting Mayor Daniel Guerrero and Hon. Manuel Heredia for the inspection of the members and firing off the 21 gun salute at the stroke of midnight.
Town Council Continues Patriotic Celebrations with Concert
The patriotic celebrations continued on September 21 at Central Park with a musical concert under the auspices of the Ambassador and people of El Salvador. “I am having a dejavu, a flashback into San Pedro’s past when in the 1930’s San Pedro boasted La Banda de San Pedro with thirty odd musicians,” commented Emcee Angel Nunez, as he introduced the 64-member military symphony of El Salvador.
The two-hour extravaganza included a grand repertoire of themes of several movies and compositions of renowned composers like Agustin Lara, Ray Conniff, and selections from Abba, The Beatles and Rocky. The delighted audience was just one step from getting up and dance and applauded over generously to the visiting musicians. A packed Central park enjoyed this show for two hours, a gift from Belize Ambassador to El Salvador, Her Excellency Celi Paz.
Pic of the Wee:
Enjoying the Simple Things in Life, Island Living
A picture is worth a thousand words and more; this great capture by Jose Luis Zapata shows us how much fun this girls is having just by swinging away on her hammok, enjoying a beautiful day at the beach. Island Life in Ambergris Caye, Belize. Doesn't get better than this. Photo by Jose Luis Zapata Photography
Saga Thanks for a Successful Central American Cook Off
Saga HS would like to give a sincere Thank You to El Fogon and every person involved in making Cook Off- Central America September 19 a festive and successful night. Newly paved Trigger Street, country flags made for a celebratory atmosphere for a block party all provided by gracious hosts El Fogon for the evening. Money raised will be used for the October SNIP-a-thon. Saga HS will be hosting visiting vets to provide over 300 FREE spay/neuter for low income island residents.
All eight countries of Central America were represented with impressive entries into this month’s contest. After all the votes were counted Feliz Bar’s was the 1st prize winner for Pollo Encebollado - (Nicaragua). 2nd prize winner went to El Fogon for Tamales - (Belize). 3rd prize Croquetas de res con queso - (Costa Rica) to Carolina Caldweld. The other delicious dishes were Pupusas (Salvador) from Pupuseria tipico Salvadoranio Restaurant , Chicken Quesadillas (Mexico) - Faride Lima , Stuffed Plantains w/ cream - (Honduras) Letty Hernandes, Patacones - (Panama) Carolina Caldweld, Boyos (Guatemalan tamales) – Patricia Rosalez. We are very grateful to have the support of all those who entered. Thank you to dish sponsors Rene Steinmetz, Pampered Paws, Sew What, and Wolfgang Wind.
Misc Belizean Sources
September 10th Ceremonies 2013
55 minute video
MET Partners with Astrum Helicopters to Offer New Maya Mountain River Decent Expeditions in Belize
Mountain Equestrian Trails (MET), a family-owned and operated Eco-resort in Western Belize, announce the upcoming dates for their Maya Mountain River Decent Expeditions for the 2013-2014 season. MET has partnered with Astrum Helicopters Belize in order to offer helicopter drops into the jungles of Belize as a starting point for these new expeditions.
This excursion offers something for those athletic thrill-seekers who want to experience the most seldom traveled parts of Belize. MET's specially-trained guides will take visitors on the ride of their life.
The expedition begins when you arrive at the remote jungle lodge at MET. This is the base of operations where you will spend the first and final nights of the trip. The next morning, the adventure begins with as scenic drive through to the helicopter departure point in the mountains. The helicopter flight takes you over rugged jungle terrain of the Maya Mountains and into the upper reaches of the pristine Rio de Dos Quebrados. Using inflatable kayaks, spend five days descending this pristine waterway, an unforgettable journey that MET pioneered first in 1994.
Ambassador of Ecuador to Belize, His Excellency Segundo Andrango visited San Pedro on September 18 along side a colleague Mr. Luis Alberto Morales.
Banda Sinfónica Militar de El Salvador - September 21, 2013 (19 photos)
The "Banda Sinfónica Militar" from El Salvador played hits like ABBA's ever popular "Dancing Queen", "Mamma Mia" and "Fernando" , the Star Wars Theme Song and even our very own National Anthem! It was quite impressive and definitely a great show!
Independence Day 2013 Parade Winners
1st Place - Wil Alamilla - "Shaping up a colorful future"
2nd Place - Wings
1st Place - San Pedro AIDS Commission
2nd Place - Sajia's Construction
3rd Place - Just Friends
Wil Alamilla "Shaping up a colorful future"
Little Dynamic Stars
All winners can pass by at the San Pedro Town Council to collect their prize.
Thanks everyone for participating and thank you to all our judges.
INDEPENDENCE EVE 2013 (54 photos)
VIDEO: Belize Independence Day Parade 2013
Celebrating 32 years of independence.
UB Library Summer Reading Program
Feelgood news of the day. The University of Belize Library had a Summer reading program. Is that a jaguar that came to talk with the kids?
Mountain Equestrian Trails in International Lifestyle Magazine
Mountain Equestrian Trails is highlighted in the latest issue of International Lifestyle Magazine. There are 4 pages of information about MET and Cayo, and it's all great. They highlight the horseback riding and birding tours that MET is known for. It's in the middle, around page 64
"There are some beautiful locations on this planet where you can take time out to enjoy the beauty of nature and the jungle of western Belize is one of them. Here you can wake to the sounds of a jungle, the croaking toucans, or calling parrots. There are the sounds that are just deafening and yet, at the same time, are just so beautiful because they are all sounds natural to the habitat, it is freedom."
Cayo Tops World's Best Budget Locations
Cayo was listed number 1 in a Huffington Post article about the best budget locations in the world. The author has a lot of great things to say about Cayo and its residents.
"Warm and welcoming, independent and private. Those four perhaps seemingly contradictory adjectives best describe both Belizeans and their country. Belize is also one of the safest countries in the world, despite what you may read about it... However, I favor the interior Cayo region with its Mayan ruins, caves, rivers, waterfalls, and rain forest, a frontier where self-sufficient communities are emerging and attracting like-minded folks interested in being 'independent together,' as a friend living in this part of the world describes it.
Emmeth Young and the Talla Walla Vibrations
Independence Day was the perfect night to see some of the best Belizean music, and the venue was the Soul Project, Cayo's cultural hub. What an amazing show Emmeth Young and his band put on. Hopefully they'll be back soon.
"Emmeth Young and the Talla Walla Vibrations rocked the Soul Project Saturday night. It was an incredible show with some of Belize's best talent. They drummed through the night. What an amazing experience!"
Recent rains in the north caused inconveniences for families in Concepcion village. One family had to bail out their house and set up sand bags to try and keep the water out.
Captive parrots rehabilitated, returned to the wild
The Belize Bird Rescue is celebrating the successful rehabilitation and return of wild parrots to the forest. According to BBR, after two years of rehabilitation, two former captive parrots were set free.
During their rehabilitation, Belize Bird Rescue officials say the birds were able to grow back their clipped winds, develop muscle tone and flight ability as well as learning to feed themselves in the wild.
The parrots were released in July of last year in one of the national parks, and last month, this photograph of the former captive birds was captured.
Despite their early life of captivity, these birds have flourished and reproduced in the wild. They were identified by metal bands placed on the adults’ legs before they were released. The baby parrot does not have that metal band.
Belize Immigration Smuggling and Corruption
Belize Consultant has been following this latest Visa scandal at the Immigration Department. Our inside governmental sources that leaks confidential information have given us all the details on the matter , and we here at (BC) will put the information at hand to all social partners and media so that the facts are presented and those involved in the visa corruption be exposed.
And the inside story goes like This:
The reason why the previous Immigration Director Ruth Meighan was transferred abruptly: At the immigration department under the UDP government there is specific Ministers that are involved with Human Trafficking (visas) and the sale of Nationality, they are Hon. Elvin Penner, Hon. John Saldivar, Hon. Erwin Contreras. These three Ministers have a structure in place that allows them to profit huge amounts of money through the Immigration Department. It is established that the proceeds of these monies goes to fuel their political ambition and also personal gain. The previous Director Meighan served under the then Minister of Immigration John Saldivar , where she learned how the sale of Visas and Nationality is done through an international smuggling ring, established by these three politicians.
Anonymous donor gives half a million dollars for PICU project
An anonymous donor has gifted half a million dollars for the new pediatric intensive care unit under construction at the KHMH.
The announcement of the “generous donation” was made this morning via a press release by the Special Envoy for Women and Children Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow.
The official statement says that the half a million dollars is the first half of a pledge of one million dollars. The statement from Mrs. Barrow says: “it is comforting to know that people recognize the significance of this project and the great need for a properly equipped and staffed facility for our children. This donation will be a huge help in our efforts to ensure that Belize gets its first dedicated Paediatric Intensive Care Unit and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to give newborns and critically ill children the best possible healthcare right here at home.”
Channel 7
Penner Passport Was For S. Korean Fugitive
Tonight, the latest in the Elvin Penner Immigration Scandal is that three immigration officers have been recommended for suspension. A release issued one hour ago from the ministry of immigration says that, quote, "there has been a serious breach of the regulations and rules governing the issuance of this passport and that officers did, whether through negligence or acquiescence, allow a fraud to be perpetrated on the system," end quote.
The release doesn't say much else - and coming four days after the Prime Minister made the first announcement, it has to be viewed as a disappointment. The release still does not disclose who the passport was issued to or under what circumstances. Neither does it say who signed the passport, and under what circumstances, or how the case came to light. But 7news has learned that the new Belizean is Kim Won Hong - who is wanted in South Korea for embezzling millions of dollars from a huge South Korean Firm called SK Shipping Company. An SK executive Chey Tae-won is serving time for the embezzlement - and his case is coming up for appeal. He says Won-hong was the mastermind behind the embezzlement scheme - and that Won-hong swindled him out of half a billion dollars - and that's billion with a "B".
Questions Over Castro
And tonight there are reports of more scandal coming out of Taiwan involving a Belizean politician. Credible reports to this newsroom say that Minister of State in the Ministry of Transport Edmund Castro, who left for Taiwan last week, was sent home after a Taiwanese female Ministry of Foreign Affairs staffer complained that he had made unwelcome sexual advances upon her.
Our reports say, the act of indiscretion created quite a stir in Taipei's official circles. As a result, very senior officials in Taiwan reportedly complained directly to Belize's Prime Minister Dean Barrow on Thursday. He reportedly called Castro and ordered him to return home immediately.
Again, that's what we have pieced together from credible sources. But Castro, who returned to Belize City on Saturday, denies it all. He says no such thing happened, and the first he heard of what he calls "all kinds of foolishness" was when he returned to Belize. He said he was not sent home, that his trip was from the 14th to the 21st and that's exactly the itinerary that was kept to.
Talented Young Media Multi-Tasker Killed In Hit And Run
You may not know the name Erron Golanche, but you may have seen him in the TV ad about SMART Prepaid Roaming in Mexico, or you may have seen his work on countless advertisements. The 25 year old Golanche was a media multi-tasker, he could shoot, edit and do graphic design.
But late on Friday night, he was killed in a hit and run accident. It happened in Orange Walk when he was riding on his motorcycle. His mother explained the circumstances:
Jerrilyn Flowers, Mother of Erron Golanche
"Eyewitnesses state that they saw the white pickup coming and swerving across the street. The ladies that were in the minivan in front of the driver pull to the side of the street to let him passed, but instead of him passing he swerve from his lane directly into Erron's lane hitting Erron. Erron died on the spot. The driver continue driving"
Two Years After His House Was Shot Up By GSU, Menjivar Gets Off
In May of 2011, it made the headlines all over when the Gang Suppression Unit raided Belmopan businessman Mike Menjivar's home.
It was hugely controversial because the GSU let off with over 100 bullets on the home; they said that Menjivar fired at them first.
Menjivar, his pregnant wife, their 3 children, and their maid were sleeping inside their home, and said that they thought it was an armed assault conducted by bandits dressed in police uniforms.
So, after all that gunfire, and over 13 hours of searching, nothing incriminating was found, and Menjivar was charged with 9 counts of attempted murder, and he was jailed until his attorney could secure bail.
That was over 2 year ago, and today, Justice Denis Hanomansingh handed down his decision after hearing the trial without Jury. Daniel Ortiz was there when that ruling was given:
Daughter’s Testimony of Abuse Sends Father To Jail
This morning, a 56 year old father was convicted aggravated assault of an indecent nature, and sentenced to three years in prison by Chief Magistrate Ann Marie Smith.
We can't give you names or show you his face, but during the in camera trial, the victim, his now 16 year old daughter, testified that on March 24, her father fondled her breast and that that was not the first time, but the second. The child told the court that after the incident, she told her brother, who then took her to the police to report the matter. But in court, the father told the court that he was innocent of the crime and the only reason the child made up that story about him was because he and one of her brothers had a misunderstanding earlier.
The trial started last Thursday and this morning, when the father was returned to court, he was convicted of the crime and sentenced to three years.
Traffic Accident On Boom road Was Serious, Could’ve Been Deadly
Earlier we told you about the traffic accident that claimed the life of 25 year old Erron Golanche, well the number of weekend fatalities could have increased last night when there was a serious collision on the Boom-Hattieville Road.
It happened at about 8:00 when Godfrey Garcia ran off the road and into a ditch. Paul Waight who was driving a van from Hattieville to Boom accompanied by Joseph Seguro and his common law Daisy Alamilla stopped to render aid and so did Paul's brother who was passing in a green pick up truck.
It all happened on a dangerous corner and Seguro saw a Red Rodeo approaching which he tried to slow down. But the Rodeo knocked him, his common law and crashed into the green pickup injuring Michael Wade.
Police explained further:...
ASP Chris Noble - Rural Executive Officer
"There was an incident that happened prior and persons had stop to assist and persons on the highway may have not notice the vehicles on the road and they knocked down and eventually drove into one of the persons assisting."
PM Barrow Uses Independence Day Platform To Support Equal Treatment For All, Gays Included
Independence Day in Belmopan was all about the speeches by the two political leaders, Prime Minister Dean Barrow and Opposition Leader Francis Fonseca.
Fonseca spoke to 21 minutes and Barrow spoke for 27 - but, overall the post of Prime Minister - usually has the advantage; he speaks last and can speak about a whole host of government programmes, while the opposition leader can only speak about the general state of things, and he has to do so without getting too political.
So, most of the news coming out of the speech is from the Prime Minister who outlined a major government funded infrastructural push funded by Petrocaribe money:...
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"My Fellow Belizeans, as we start this thirty third year of our Independence our material prospects are exciting to behold. We are embarked on nothing less than the creation of a post-Independence golden age that there will be will be a dramatic second half growth, and that it will surpass the 2% that the National Budget forecasts."
"In a word, it is infrastructure."
San Ignacio Man Killed By Stabbing
San Ignacio Police have one man detained tonight, and they continue to question him in relation to the stabbing death of 29 year-old San Ignacio Resident Jorge Tzib. Police found him killed on Joseph Andrews Drive; he was stabbed multiple times, and his throat was slit.
Today, 7News went to San Ignacio town to find out about caused the young man to be brutally killed in the street. We spoke with police.
Insp. Reymundo Reyes
"What we have is this morning sometime after 1:55 am San Ignacio receive information of a male person lying in the middle of the street on Joseph Andrews Drive in front of the Red Cross building. As a result they proceeded to the area and on arrival they saw this male person lying on his left side of his body with what appears to be multiple stab wounds on the knee area and a slit on the throat."
PAC, UDP Style Meets in Belmopan
Earlier this month, 7News told you about the plan which Government majority members of the Public Accounts Committee intended to implement: they decided to look into public spending done by the two political parties' government administrations from the financial periods of 2003/2004 forward for the PUP and 2008/2009 forward for the UDP.
The Opposition has made it clear that they refuse to support this agenda as the way forward, and they've called these meetings illegal since the Chair of the committee did not set the agenda.
Current Chairman Julius Espat and his fellow opposition member, Rodwell Ferguson, who makes up the PAC, did not attend today's meeting, the first in the series, which was significant for 2 reasons. Firstly, it was the first meeting in years which actually conducted the business of the committee, and it was also done in the public, where the media was allowed in, which is not the norm of this or any committee.
Once again, the Government majority elected John Saldivar as protem chair of today's meeting, and in his opening statement, Saldivar made a public request of Julius Espat, which he described as a compromise. Here's how he explained why Espat should sit as chair on the Wednesday meetings:
Massive Problem Croc Caught On San Pedro
A 700 pound 11 foot American Crocodile was brought in from San Pedro Town today. It's what is known as a "problem croc" because it has lost the fear of humans and is feeding on their pets and their food. More than that, the massive reptile has been seen slithering through backyards at the back of the San Juan area of San Pedro. With all that, the folks from ACES, the American Crocodile Education Sanctuary have been trying to trap the problem croc and they finally snared it today. With the assistance of Quality Poultry Products which provided a boat, they brought the croc to the city for further transfer to their facility in Ladyville. We were at Quality Poultry when the very big boy was brought in:..
Vince Rose, ACES
"This croc has been patrolling the backwaters of San Pedro, all the back houses eating their dogs basically for the last couple of years. We had caught him a long time ago and hasn't seem him since. We finally caught him in San Juan area of San Pedro and the Quality Poultry Chicken had donated their services to bring the croc from San Pedro to here."
Were Russians Really Stranded On Way To ATM Cave
The social media lit up yesterday when rumors went out that 10 tourists got trapped in the ATM Caves IN Teakettle due to a flash food.
Well, it appears that those rumors were greatly exaggerated. That's what the tour guide from Mayawalk Tours, who led the tourists into the caves told us today, when we spoke to him. Here's how he described the events:
Aaron Juan, Owner/Operator Mayawalk Tours
"No one was trapped in the cave. We never went in the cave. It was a normal day at the ATM (Actun Tunichil Muknal). In the rainy season the river goes up and down and we are always a little bit careful about that and I had explain that to them already."
"They are all river rafting guides actually and one of them owns an adventure company in the states. One owns an adventure "White Water Rafting" in Russia. Our little river to them was not a big deal. They decide to try it and if we can do the cave then we do it but if we can't then we just return. I had explain all that already to them."
Oh No She Didn’t!
In our last segment, 7News showed you excerpts from the Belmopan Independence Day ceremony.
That was but one of several held around the country, and this year, the Village of Succotz experienced quite an exciting Independence Day celebration. It happened when the queen of the Ms Independence Day pageant pulled quite a stunt. She refused to accept the crown because the organizers allegedly jilted her out of her package she was to receive as winner. Yancy Bautista, the 2013 Ms Independence attended the crowning ceremony, and chose not to participate. That's until she snatched the crown from the runner up just as they placed it on her head, and she ran off, breaking it.
It's the kind of thing which draws attention, and it has already gone viral on Facebook. Today, 7News spoke with Bautista, where we asked her why she did it, and if she now has any regrets. Here's what the third former said:
Yancy Bautista, Miss Independence 2013
"I won the Miss Independence 2013-2014. The reason why this happen is because they involve politics in what they shouldn't. My dress should not supposed to be red. It is supposed to be white."
Channel 5
3 immigration officers suspended for issuance of passport to South Korean national, Kim Won-Hong
Tonight, there is much more information coming out of the immigration scandal which resulted in the immediate firing of Minister of State Elvin Penner last Thursday. The catalyst for the [...]
Independence Day Speeches: P.M. lauds his government
At midnight on the twentieth September, a flag raising ceremony was held at Belize’s City’s Memorial Park to usher in Independence Day. Thereafter the formal Independence Day festivities moved to [...]
…And also highlights landmark case of Caleb Orosco vs G.O.B.
A highlight in the Prime Minister’s Independence Speech relates to a landmark case in the Supreme Court for which a decision is pending. It is the case of Caleb Orosco [...]
While Leader of the Opposition says government is reeling with scandals
For the Leader of the Opposition, Francis Fonseca, the government is reeling from one scandal to the other. Fonseca also called for less confrontation and more dialogue, less arrogance and [...]
Highlights of Independence Day Parade in Belize City
In Belmopan, the official ceremonies concluded around midday; the government and the leader of the opposition had different versions on the state of the nation. In Belize City, the formal [...]
San Ignacio resident is murdered on a main thoroughfare
In the wee hours of this morning a San Ignacio resident was brutally murdered on one of the municipality’s main thorough fare. Jorge Luis Tzib was brutally stabbed and his [...]
Investor scouting group from Russia trapped at ATM cave
There was another incident in the west which fortunately ended without casualties. Nancy Marin of NM Productions, a location management company out of San Ignacio, booked a river tour at [...]
Erron Golanche of Acafellas killed in hit and run in Orange Walk
Popular beat boxing talent Erron Golanche, a member of the musical group Acafellas, lost his life on Friday night during a tragic hit and run in Orange Walk Town. Details [...]
5 persons injured in near fatal accident on Boom/Hattieville Road
There was a near tragedy on the Boom/Hattieville road just after eight on Sunday night. It involved four separate vehicles and resulted in five persons being seriously injured. It didn’t [...]
Mike Menjivar has his day in court…he’s home free
In May 2011, popular Belmopan businessman Mike Menjivar was at home with his family when the GSU raided his home, supposedly looking for drugs and guns. In the melee which [...]
3 year behind bars for Belize City man who sexually assaulted 15 year old
A Belize City Construction Worker was convicted this morning in the Belize City Magistrate for committing an indecent assault upon a fifteen year old girl. Dwight Flowers, who is thirty-seven [...]
Pageant Controversy: duly elected Miss Independence Succotz snatches crown
In the west, the Independence Day activities were not without its own share of controversy. In San Jose Succotz, the installation of Miss Independence is a big affair. But this [...]
Sports Monday: football fields, cycling tracks and softball pitch were busy over the Independence Weekend
Good evening, I’m James Adderley and this is Sports Monday. 30 riders congregated for the start of the BCA’s test race that ran 2 laps on the Boom-Hattieville Road [...]
Water Store Burglarized; Neighbor Accused
Twenty-one year old Samuel Halliday, a laborer of Mahogany Street was denied bail and remanded into custody when he appeared in court today and was charged with burglary. Halliday pled not guilty to the charge. The prosecutor objected to bail on the grounds that the defendant lives next door to the complainant, that the stolen items have not been recovered, that the offence has become prevalent and the severity of the penalty if convicted. Chief Magistrate Smith upheld the objection and remanded Halliday into custody until November 8. The incident occurred on September 16. The complainant, Vanessa Williams, the owner of Aqua Light Purified Water, located on Mahogany Street, reported to the police that her business place was burglarized and four thousand four hundred and forty dollars was stolen.
Duo Flees Police Checkpoint; Police Pursues and Uncovers Drug
Two men, 26 year old Mason Patnett and 33 year old Ryan Tillett, who were allegedly busted with 2,545 grams of cannabis, were charged with drug trafficking when they appeared in court today. They pled not guilty to the charge. The prosecutor objected to bail on the grounds that the offence carries a sentence of three years and a fine of $10,000 and a convicted person can be fined and confined. The prosecutor also objected to bail on the ground that Patnett has another charge before the court for drug trafficking. Chief magistrate Anne Marie Smith upheld the objection for Patnett and remanded him into custody until November 14. She offered Tillett a bail of one thousand dollars. The incident occurred around 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 21. According to Police reports, the defendants were In a black Saturn car that was coming from the direction of Belmopan and was stopped at a police check point at La Democracia. The police reported that the driver of the car sped off and they pursued the suspects in a high speed chase. The police said that when the car reached mile 23 on George Price Highway , one of the occupants got out and threw a black bag out of the car. The police continued their pursuit and apprehended the suspects at mile 15. They took the suspects back to mile 23 and they retrieved the bag and when they searched it they found that it contained cannabis. As a result, Patnett and Tillett were taken into custody and charged.
Journalist Loses Partner in Hit and Run Incident in Northern Belize
Police in Orange Walk are looking for one Freddy Herman Villada in connection with a hit and run incident that claimed the life of a young man and left another recovering from the incident. Witness reports tell LOVE NEWS that sometime around 10:45 a white dodge ram truck was speeding out of San Jose Palmar and upon arriving at the junction of Palmar Road and Boundary Road, in front of the Rotaract building the white truck collided with a scooter that was coming from the opposite direction. Senaida Jimenez was right in front of the white pickup truck before it collided with the scooter and was the first respondent.
“This vehicle was coming at full speed from Palmar Football Field and my friend was telling me that this man was drunk and I told him that no he wasn’t drunk that it’s just because Palmar has a lot of holes in the street and she kept telling me that yes, the man is drinking because he is coming at full speed. Passing the Palmar Bridge, I realized that this man is coming at full speed and my friend told me that I have to move if not the driver will take me; so, I moved to my right and the driver over took me on the left hand side and on the opposite side there was a cycle coming and we just heard a bang and the driver drove away with the cycle about five hundred yards. My friend and I came down from the vehicle and we saw a body lying on the ground, we moved a bit more and we saw another body. We asked the people around to please take the other body to the hospital and someone did accept because in reality there was no police there as yet and I felt bad leaving the body there knowing that it was still moving and nobody was going to render help and so, a parent gave help and took the young man to the hospital. I called a doctor to please tend to the patient and then the doctor called and said that the patient only had broken leg; the two of them were bleeding and we were mainly taking care of the one that was moving his hand, the one lying down.”
Immigration Officers Face Possible Suspension Following Recent Scandal Involving Minister
He Fondled The Minor’s Breast Then Threatened Her If She Leaves Him; Magistrate Rules Guilty Verdict
Fifty-three year old Dwight Flowers, a laborer charged with aggravated assault on a 15 year old girl and using threatening words, was found guilty of both charges today by the Chief Magistrate, Anne Marie Smith. He was sentenced to three years for aggravated assault and six months for using threatening words. Chief Magistrate Smith stipulated that the sentences are to run concurrently, so he will serve three years. The incident occurred on March 24, 2013. The girl, who testified in camera, said that Flowers fondled her breasts and told her that if she left him he will kill her. Flowers testified and denied that he committed the offence. Flowers was not represented by any attorney.
GSU Finds Drug Hidden In Man’s Shoe; Magistrate Renders Custodial Sentence
Twenty-seven year old Jerdean Jergenson, a stevedore of Reggae Street, was sentenced to three months imprisonment today by the Chief Magistrate, Anne Marie Smith when he pled guilty to possession of a controlled drug for three point two grams of cannabis. Chief magistrate Smith imposed the custodial sentence because Jergenson has a previous conviction for possession of a controlled drug. The bust occurred on Saturday, September 21. The police, members of the GSU, went to Bismark Club, located on Queen Charlotte Street, to search for a person who was wanted. Upon their arrival they saw a man dressed in black who was acting suspicious. They approached the man and informed him that a search wound be conducted on him. When they searched him they found the cannabis hidden inside the inner sole of his tennis shoe. As a result, Jergenson was taken into custody and charged.
Independence Day: PM Speaks on Agriculture, National Security and Homosexuality
There was a lot said during the Prime Minister’s official Independence Day Address to the nation. We’ve been reporting on what he shared regarding infrastructural developments for the country, but there was also talk about market growth and according to the PM, the grass is greener on the Agriculture side.
American Sugar Refiners is expanding the capacity at the BSI mill to grind ten thousand tons of cane per day as early as the next crop year which starts in two months. Farmers are busy planting additional acreage to take advantage of this historical increase and these are indeed times of plenty and prosperity for the north of our country. Meanwhile the new Green Tropics Sugar Mill is beginning to be assembled and Brazilians want to do ethanol at Libertad. Generally, agriculture is making a great leap forward. Four thousand additional acres of rice are being planted for export by the Mennonites in the area behind Roaring Creek; we are sending corn to Mexico as well as Guatemala and Jamaica and the second cattle sweep is being completed which will allow us to sell our livestock anywhere in the world.”
Prime Minister Barrow also spoke of the rise in tourism arrivals for the country and commended security forces for the decrease in crime, especially the gang related activities in Belize City. There are also a number of improvements scheduled to take place in relation to keeping our territorial integrity as outlined by the Prime Minister
Police News
Police are investigating a case of attempted murder reported in Belize City. According to reports, police visited the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital around 12:30 p.m on Friday and saw a woman who identified herself as Carol Vernon, a forty eight year old resident of West Street. Vernon was suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. Police investigations revealed that on the same day around 12:20 p.m, while she was socializing with two other persons at a garage on number sixty one George Street, a fair complexioned man came out from an overgrown yard, approached them and fired two shots in their direction injuring Vernon. The man was described as being of slim built and fair complexion, with a low haircut and he used a green rag to cover the bottom part of his face.
Sugar City Is Invaded By Belizeans Celebrating 32 Years of Sovereignty
The thirty-second anniversary of Belize’s Independence has come and gone, and with it, thousands of Belizeans travelled from close and far to be a part of the celebrations held in...
OWTHS Gets New School Building
This year Orange Walk Technical High School, whose motto is “The School that cares”, is celebrating its 30th anniversary serving the northern part of the Country as one of the...
Residents Of Consejo Corozal Invaded by Water and Garbage
But, those villages here in Orange Walk are not the only ones affected by the heavy rains over the past few days. The villagers of Consejo have been affected as...
20th Night Proves Deadly In O/W As Traffic Accident Claims The Life Of One Man
Tonight, police are on the hunt for one man who fled the scene of a horrific traffic accident. As residents of Orange Walk Town and surrounding villages were preparing to...
The International Development Bank launches investigation into SIF
The Social Investment Fund has been under public scrutiny since the alleged corruption in the construction of the Dangriga Market has been made known. After investigations into the allegations made by contractor Kennard Smart and the complaints of financiers Herman Bailey and Emmy Ramirez, four persons were fired and...
Daniel Cano, continues to deny any personal involvement in illegal practices
Former executive director of the Social Investment Fund (SIF), Daniel Cano, continues to deny any personal involvement in illegal practices leading up to his resignation earlier this week. But he did admit that he allowed a culture of laxity to take over at the organization that allowed contractor Kennard...
Firearm charge against FECTAB member is thrown out
Yhony Rosado, owner of and FECTAB member was a rising national figure when in December of 2012, a firearm charge sent his reputation and his business into distress. Rosado was accused of pulling a gun on the owner of another cave tubing company Vitalino Reyes Jr. – the...
PNP Leader comments on Minister Penner’s resignation
Before the Belizean public could fully digest the SIF blowout, we learned that Elvin Penner, who served as Minister of Public Utilities, Information and Broadcasting and Minister of State for Immigration and Border Protection tendered his resignation following some very grim accusations. The area representative for Cayo Northeast, we...
Woman police say put a hit on her husband is out on bail
A Belize City woman who is married to an American man and who has been accused of putting a hit on her husband is tonight out on Supreme Court bail. She is 39-year-old San Ignacio, Cayo resident, Frances Ayala Wilson. Frances Wilson was arraigned in the Belize City...
Teenage girl allegedly sexually assaulted by Ladyville couple
A teenage girl was allegedly sexually assaulted by a young Ladyville couple. The couple allegedly took the 14 year old on a trip to Cayo some three days ago and then took her to their home in Lord’s Bank. That is where they allegedly gave her marijuana to smoke....
A Belmopan School Bursts Excitement Over New Library
The children at Garden City Primary School are overjoyed, and for good reason too. After a full year of planning, coordinating and executing, yesterday, September 19th, the Garden City Primary School Library officially opened its doors to eager students. the construction of the building from start...
Ramon’s Village Resort will be fully renovated in time for Christmas Season
More than three weeks ago Ramon’s Village Resort went up in a flaming frenzy that consumed almost two thirds of the famous resort. An investigation was conducted to determine the origin of the fire and on Friday, the investigation is complete. The San Pedro Sun newspaper had the report,...
DIVAZ Next Door TV Show Goes the Hype Way Again
Divaz Next Door presents: Divaz Adventure! Hosts of PlusTV’s daytime show, in collaboration with Bucawina Adventures and Eco Tours are offering viewers the opportunity to spend an activity filled day touring the Mayflower Bucawina National Park. Ana Guy-“DIVAZ Next Door” Host “DIVAZ is of course is...
Caye Caulker Chronicles
Celebrating Our Independence
This past weekend every one geared up for our 32 years of Independence. This year’s theme was “Belize In You, Belie In Me, Land Of The Free”. To begin the hype for the celebrations the Caye Caulker Village Council began announcing competitions such as the most patriotic house, vehicle and or person; decoration of bicycles, dance groups and floats.
The Village Council began their 3 day festivities with fireworks display and dance at the Central Park with musical entertainment from Local Belizean Artists Mr. Program, Barrington and The Islanders from San Pedro, Facebook Song Competition Winner Ronny B, Bobo Youth, Laban and his drummers, Students from the Caye Caulker Roman Catholic School and Ocean Academy, Be The Next Superstar winner Shannelly, Be The Next Superstar competitors Bryan and Donnovan along side Dj Chico, and Good Life Sounds: Dj Exclusive and Dj Kenrick.
Certificate of Appreciation awards were given to the following people for their time dedicated to the community:
Kayaking With A Purpose – Allie Johnstone
This will be the 5th year that a handful of students from Ocean Academy have joined me for the Kayak P.E. Class. It has been a pleasure to teach the youth paddling skills such as self-rescue, proper stroke break down, water safety, weather watching and even knot tying. Previous years I’ve had up to 5 students but this year we have 8, 3 returnees, I’m proud to say!
The difference this year is we are adding another element to the class and that is Marine Biology. The paddlers are asked to choose a creature, fish, or plant to study during the semester. Students have now chose their subjects and we are ready to begin mapping habitats this Thursday. The students will then think of a question about their subject and try to learn the answer through study by the end of the year.
Personally I find this addition exciting because we also as a group will be monitoring the Long snout Seahorse ( hippocampus reide) populations on the north west side of Caye Caulker. Perhaps we can discourage harvesting in Belize and teach that these creatures are worth more as a tourist attraction than dead, dried and being sent to the Asian market.
Celebrating 32 years – San Pedro Belize Independence Day Parade
Every year on September 21st individuals, groups, and businesses decorate themselves and their golf carts and parade through town. This year we were celebrating 32 years in the annual San Pedro Belize Independence Day Parade. As always the parade kicked off with a loud siren and the Police and fire department leading the way. The paraders were very lively with brightly colored costumes and great music. They drove or danced along waving flags, throwing candy to the kids.
There were less people this year and I have heard some mixed reviews, not everyone cared for it. I liked the parade, you could tell everyone put a lot of effort into their costumes. The music was just right and I loved peoples song choices the first pass. A little shorter was ok but hopefully it does not become too short.
Due to the number of pics I ended up with I decided to post a few large size ones, a small photo gallery and the rest of my parade pictures you can find on facebook page photo album.
2013 Independence Day Parade on Ambergris Caye, Part Two: VISIT BELIZE IN SEPTEMBER!
So…Saturday was the big Independence Day parade in San Pedro and it was a beautiful breezy and HOT day. But then…it is always hot. I already showed you the pictures of the beginning of the parade in Part One. Here are the rest…
Could this group look any better?
All parades should featured DJs with dancing groups behind them. It should be international law.
Do you see how fun it makes things? These people have been waiting, dancing, roasting for 3 hours at this point. You’d never know it.
Chaa Creek Thanksgivings are a New Belize Tradition
Belize’s The Lodge at Chaa Creek is reporting another rise this year in families enquiring about the latest trend in destination holidays – tropical Thanksgivings. Turning the traditional family feast into a shared adventure is becoming increasingly popular, according to the eco resort’s food and beverage manager.
Bryony Fleming Bradley said that since Chaa Creek began offering all-inclusive Belize Thanksgiving packages, there has been a steady rise in interest; an increase she attributes to positive word of mouth, the proximity of Belize to North America, and the desire to do something different that the entire family can enjoy.
She also attributes the rise in the popularity of Chaa Creek’s Thanksgiving holidays to the increased cost of hosting large family gatherings at home as compared to the price of the all-inclusive Belize vacation packages now on offer.
Belize – A cultural melting pot
Belize a refuge, a home of diverse multi-ethnic cultures, people with different skin tones, different languages and belonging to various ‘pots’ all adding to our colorful Belizean culture. Lying amidst the horizons of Central America and the vast Caribbean sea; a nation with the most diverse population among its neighboring countries, rich with a blend of different cultural practices.
Wondering how it came to be? These interesting multi-ethnic and rich cultural heritages all make this melting pot unique and so unlike any other. Most Belizean descendants are from multi-racial heritages varying from a combination of Mayans, Africans and Europeans.
The melting pot is traced back when the descendants of these tribes fled for refuge to the country of Belize. Garinagu a new born tribe, descended from the Native Carib and Arawak tribes who escaped from enslavement in the midst of gaining freedom. The Mayas, naturally considered to be the first inhabitants of Belize, inhabited the country for over hundreds of years. Although their civilization may have quite disappeared, presently some still live amongst the rural areas of the country. Mixtures of Mayan and Spanish culture gave birth to a new group; the Mestizos.
“Do You Remember” it in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize?
I got up around 04.30 hours on Sunday with the belief that Arsenal’s home game against Stoke City had a (local time) kick-off at 05.15 hours.
With so much time to spare I made my mug of black coffee and retired to the veranda with it and my iPad to read the Sunday Times on-line. Straight in to the sports’ section where I found that I had made a monumental error. The kick-off was 06.30 hours! No worries though (or so I thought), more time to enjoy the Sunday Times.
At 06.25 hours I moved inside, switched on the TV, chose channel 103 and sat down to enjoy the game. But no. Catastrophe! NBC in its wisdom (sic) had chosen to televise the Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix! How could they? Don’t they know that I couldn’t give a fig (I have other words to use but …) about Formula 1!
I very quickly (and smoothly) moved to Plan B – TheTelegraph website. Nowhere near as good as watching the game on TV but I was able to keep ‘in touch’ with developments as the game unfolded. A game which Arsenal won by three goals to one.
International Sources
Women in CSR: Shannon Schuyler, PwC
SS: Our CR commitment is a perfect combination of engaging with and providing value to our stakeholders and communities. The days I recently spent in Belize teaching children about financial responsibility and leadership, as part of PwC’s Earn Your Future program, were perfect. The children’s enthusiasm reinforced my conviction that our CR efforts really do make a difference. If speaking personally, my perfect day starts and ends with my family. A simple stroll through the park with my husband, son and two dogs is really all I need to be completely content.
Marines continue fight against drug cartels across Americas
Marine Corps leaders remain committed to training militaries across the Western Hemisphere that are fighting on the front lines of the drug war and forging new partnerships to deal with humanitarian and disaster relief efforts and other types of crises in the region.
In missions to Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia and other nations, Marines have deployed to help combat a violent drug trade that has devastating effects across the Americas. It’s a fight that requires coordination with countries across a vast geographic area.
But as the Pentagon considers ways to cut costs, there is talk of combining the two combatant commands that are leading the fight — U.S. Northern Command and U.S. Southern Command — into a single “Americas command.”
Although critics worry that the merger could signal to Latin American partners that they don’t matter, Marine officials insist that is not the case.
In fact, the Corps wants to engage more nations in Central and South America for the same reason it is expanding in the Pacific: to build familiarity with allies so that when crises emerge, there are existing relationships on which to build, said Maj. Gen. Frederick Padilla, director of operations at Marine Corps headquarters.
See Coral Reefs Like Never Before Thanks To Gorgeous New Panoramas
Today the Catlin Seaview Survey—which recently brought us some amazing views of the Galápagos coastline—launches the first-of-its-kind database of our underwater world.
Catlin Seaview Survey began with a comprehensive study of the Great Barrier Reef in September 2012. The imagery documented the composition and health of the reef across its full range depth. That survey involved more than 100,000 360-degree panoramic images along the length of the reef—about 2,300 km.
Since then, the team has traveled to more beautiful coastlines, including Belize, Mexico, and Aruba. To take such detailed (and scientifically useful) imagery, the survey team uses a specially built panoramic underwater camera.
For this new online database, dubbed the Reef Record, the survey team is pairing the panoramic imagery with datasets from collaborators like NOAA, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, World Resources Institute and the Global Change Institute. The hope is that scientists, educators, and the general public can use the record as a resource to understand and track how the changing climate and pollution are affecting coral and the marine environment.
Fortis Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter Dividends-2013
The Board of Directors of Fortis Inc. ("Fortis" or the "Corporation") (TSX:FTS) has declared the following dividends: Fortis is the largest investor-owned gas and electric distribution utility in Canada, with total assets exceeding $17 billion and fiscal 2012 revenue totalling approximately $3.7 billion. Its regulated utilities account for 90% of total assets and serve more than 2.4 million customers across Canada and in New York State and the Caribbean. Fortis owns non-regulated hydroelectric generation assets in Canada, Belize and Upstate New York. The Corporation's non-utility investments are comprised of hotels and commercial real estate in Canada and petroleum supply operations in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States.
Bitcoin Securities Exchange BTC-TC Shutters $12M Operations, Cites Regulatory Environment
The legality of BTC Trading Co. and LTC-Global, registered in Belize and operated from Oregon, has been questionable since the site opened originally. The company’s FAQs state repeatedly that assets on the site are not to be considered real and openly acknowledges Burnside’s lack of necessary funding to support significant legal oversight.
Regulations in the digital currency space have seen a number of developments so far this year, but recent actions from the SEC specifically are likely the impetus for the closure. This summer, the Securities and Exchange Commissions charged Trendan Shavers of the Bitcoin Savings and Trust with violation of security registration laws, among other charges. During the hearing of that case, the presiding judge wrote that “Bitcoin is a currency or form of money, and investors wishing to invest in BTCST provided an investment of money.”
Making Local People Stewards of the Earth
“People trying to protect their traditional lands are still being killed or forcibly removed. But we may be at a tipping point favouring community land rights,” White told IPS.
Peru, Belize and other countries are recognising those rights. Land disputes in India, Cambodia and elsewhere are driving political change. Some parts of the corporate sector are supporting land rights. Last July in Ireland, governments in the G8 group of wealthy nations made “unprecedented commitments” to secure land rights and improve land governance, he said.
“The conditions are right for a historic step and overcome a major obstacle to improving the well being of people and the planet,” White said.
How Travel Writing Can Help Fund Your Trip
Did you ever want to go abroad but weren’t able to fund it? That doesn’t mean that your trip is doomed to never happen. Imagine instead getting paid to travel the world. It is possible to fund your trip and even make a profit by writing about your adventures. Travel writing can become a full-time passion or merely something you do on the side. It can be a way to justify a vacation and pay for some of the costs, maybe write off your trip on your taxes. With this career, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get out and see the world…in a way you never could as an ordinary tourist. Terri Marshall has never been the type of person to settle for “ordinary”. One of the ways she left ordinary behind was to start her career as a travel writer. “I spent many years working as a tax accountant—I knew there had to be a better way to spend my time. I wanted something extraordinary. So…I decided that I could live this life less ordinary as a travel writer.”
September 23, 2013

Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.
Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7 and Channel 5
Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Doctor Love: Useless Relationships
Dear Doctor Love, It hurts me so much to see my daughter throwing her life away on some useless piece of garbage. She has a boyfriend that does not work and she spends her days at a low end job just to support him. When she finishes work she goes to another job while he [...]
Wolfe’s Woofers: Lawsuits
“And what do you do back in Texas?” “I’m a lawyer,” the tourist told me, as he pulled up a chair. We had struck up a conversation as I was having my morning coffee on the deck of the Holiday Hotel. “What kind of law do you practice?” I asked. “Mostly tort law, which is [...]
Justin Banner arrested and charged for drug trafficking
Police on Ambergris Caye arrested and charged a man for the crime of drug trafficking. He is 27-year-old Justin Banner, a Belizean laborer and resident of a DFC area of San Pedro Town. According to San Pedro Police, sometime around 11AM on Friday September 13th, they visited an apartment in the San Mateo area of [...]
Misc Belizean Sources
VIDEO: Jump Up San Pedro
Many of the paraders were jumping up just as hard at the end of the second pass down front street as they were at the start.
VIDEO: San Pedro Independence Day Parade 2013
If you love parties and parades, September 21st is definitely a must do for your Belize Travel calendar. This video is the whole 2013 independence day parade through San Pedro Town.
Citizen Science in Belize – Update – If You Can’t Beat’em, Wear’em
In earlier posts about my volunteer experience in Belize with ReefCI, I talked about the lionfish invasion that is threatening coral reef and other marine ecosystems throughout the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and Southern Atlantic Seaboard of the United States, and noted that, at least for the foreseeable future, human intervention, particularly the establishment of a commercial fishery for the species, appears to be the only solution to keep the invasion under control.
I mentioned the idea of lionfish jewelry as a possible way of increasing the economic return to fisherfolk who may otherwise be reluctant to go after lionfish given the difficulty of catching them (the fish must be harvested by spearing or hand netting rather than through traditional methods such as lines or nets). I’ve been pleased to learn that at least one artisan in Belize has picked up on the idea, using some of the lionfish spines that I collected while I was there. She has already crafted some beautiful earrings (see photo above) and is working on other jewelry items as well as decorative mirrors. Elsewhere, jewelry crafted from lionfish tails and fins is being sold online, and through a retail outlet in Curaçao.
SIRH Refurbs Flamingo Park
The San Ignacio Resort Hotel went back to Flamingo Park, which they adopted last year for National Service Day, and they fixed it up again. Thanks, SIRH!
"A few staff from SIRH got together for National Service Day to clean up a local park. The San Ignacio Resort Hotel adopted this park last year as an ongoing effort to support. You can read more about this here.
MCHS Celebrates Independence
Mount Carmel High School celebrated "Belize in You, Belize in Me, Land of the Free."
Cayo Independence Day Parade
Pictures from Cayo's Independence Day parade through town yesterday. Here's to another great year!
"It was a little wet, but that can't stop Cayo from celebrating with a grand parade. Thanks to junior photographer Chloe Cocchi for some great pictures."
On FB.
Belmopan Independence Day Parade
Belmopan had a great showing for their Independence Day parade. They had the Belize Cowboy and Cowgirl Association there to show off some riding skills. Belmopan City Online was there to get pictures. Happy 32nd birthday, Belize!
Banana Bank was also there to get some pictures, mostly of the horse contingent.
Video of the horse contingent.
Independence Eve in Cayo
From - September 22, 11:09 AM
D Russell captured some great pictures in Cayo on Independence Eve. The fireworks were great.
"Fireworks, passing of the torch, festivities in Cayo, 2013"
Benque had fireworks too.
“Earth Wind and Fire,” Belize, and the 21st of September
You would think you were at a wedding reception dancing the night away to an Earth, Wind and Fire cover band every time you hear their top-of-the-charts tune about the 21st of September. Released in 1978, the track builds up and unleashes a thrilling happiness that comes from pure freedom. ~The groove is right and night is alllllright~ It was the month of September when composer and lyricist banded together. One had influenced the other, but both had been on a roll with spiritual inspiration when they produced the song that would remain a legacy. And while few theories circulate about the significance of the 21st of September, the truth is, it just sounded phonetically right. “Do you remember the 21st night of September? Love was changing the minds of pretenders, while chasing the clouds away. Our hearts were singing, in the key that our souls were singing…as we danced in the night away.” This song is undoubtedly the ultimate feel-good song.
Alberto Contreras Receives Meritorious Service Award
Congratulations to Alberto Contreras for being awarded the Meritorious Service Award! Once again, it's well deserved.
"Alberto Rafael Contreras was born in Benque Viejo Del Carmen on January 16, 1939. He attended St. Joseph School, now Mount Carmel Primary School. Always passionate about the development of his home town, Alberto entered politics under the United Democratic Party in 1978 and served as a member of the Benque Viejo Town Board and served as mayor of Benque Viejo from 1984 to 1986. But his mark on Belizean history goes beyond politics. He coached the Mount Carmel School football team from 1970 to 1995 and led them to many victories. The Verdes Football Club was born in 1980 and Rafael would be known to play a significant role in its success. Verdes represented Belize at the CONCACAF stage several times."
Belize Literacy Project Concludes
The Rotary Club of San Ignacio has finished up their 5 year Belize Literary Project, and they had a small handing over ceremony to the Ministry of Education. Thanks, Rotary!
"This country-wide project for Belize Literacy sponsored by our Canadian partners in Rotary District 5370 came to an end after 5 years and lots of work from many dedicated folks. The handing over ceremony was a venue to hand over the last of the equipment to each of the district offices and to the staff of Ministry of Education."
Tourists trapped near ATM rescued
A search and rescue operation is underway in the Cayo district for a group, believed to be tourists, who are reportedly trapped near the ATM cave in Teakettle village. Preliminary reports are that the group, including about 10 tourists and a couple of tour guides ran into trouble as a result of a flash flood due to heavy rains in the the area.
...later last evening....
SUCCESS!!! The rescue mission was successfully completed just before midnight. All the tourists and guides who were trapped by flash flood near the ATM cave in Teakettle village have been accounted for. They are now on their way to San Ignacio town.
Intercepted by facebook the Commodore and Blue Water Grill
I was just getting ready to start my Jump Up San Pedro video when Commodore Andy popped me on facebook and got me instantly focused from one direction to a completely different one. After all it is Sunday and I have been working since 7:00am so lunch at Blue Water Grill is definitely a good reason to allow myself to get intercepted.
Andy – Fancy lunch at BWG at 12:00pm?
Me – Fancy lunch for anything special? Paul doing football at Lola’s or Pedro’s I might be interested if I can get enough work in before then
Andy – It’s Sunday and I’m hungry. Jackie and Adam are coming along with Forrest. Bring some more
Me – Any chance you guys can come grab me?
Andy – I’m sure we can. Invite some folks
Me – ok will ask Mary
Andy – The more the merrier
Big Shout Out to all the parade dancers who were jumping up just as hard at the end of the second pass down front street as they were at the start.
2013 Independence Day Parade on Ambergris Caye, Part One: VISIT BELIZE IN SEPTEMBER!
I love the month of September in Belize. LOVE IT. September 21st in San Pedro is the culmination of the good times…the big JUMP UP parade. This year’s was as fun as ever.
I can’t get enough…lucky for me? The parade circled around twice where I was stationed.
Let’s just get right into all of the pictures. This year I mixed things up and was quite pleased with the results. Mostly because the parade lines up on the beach…on one of our most gorgeous stretches of beach in the Boca Del Rio Area.
Gorgeous gorgeous perfection.
Look at these cuties waiting for the rest of their dance troupe.
I mean SERIOUSLY? Too much.
Belizean Music is Belizean Music is Belizean Music
It’s no secret we’re major fans of the unique, dynamic, vibrant and at times controversial Belizean arts scene, and for some of us, our focus is on Belizean music.
From Brukdown to Punta Rock and everything in between, Belize provides an aural smorgasbord that’s a feast for the senses. No matter the mood, from Friday-night-I-just-got-paid jump up to why’d s/he have to leave me, from the exuberant to the reflective, there’s something in the vast Belizean catalogue to suit everyone and any moment.
Just like the Blues greats such as Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf and Buddy Guy, Paranda musicians stir something deep inside. Paul Nabor’s Naguya Ne (I am Moving On) just seems to get more poignant and soulful with each listen, and the younger Aurelio Martinez is carrying on that soulful tradition. He’s an artist that stays true to the form yet is instantly recognisable for his own distinctive style.
So it was a pleasure to hear that the Belize Tourism Board, aka the BTB, selected one of his songs, “Santo Negro”, as the backing track for its promotional video. Great decision I thought, as I sat back, closed my eyes and savoured it again. Yes, this evokes Belize to someone who knows and loves it, and is a wonderful introduction to the country for others.
September 22, 2013

Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.
Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7 and Channel 5
Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Meet your National AIDS Commission Island Committee members
The National AIDS Commission Island Committee was established to carry out the local aspect of the National Response to HIV following the guidelines of the National AIDS Commission. The entity is commissioned by the Government of Belize to carry out this function.
The committee is made up of a multi-sectoral body. The San Pedro Sun takes this opportunity to present the members of the executive body to you – the community that they serve.
This week we introduce Lezel Cayetano: Serving the community in which I live is one of the greatest pleasures I derive from in my job. My name is Lezel Lori Cayetano. I am originally from the land where sweetness abounds, Punta Gorda. I spent much of my life in Belize City where I attended both primary and secondary schools. Following this, my passion for service to my fellow beings made my decision to pursue a career in nursing quite easy. I attended the Bliss School of Nursing, which later amalgamated into the University of Belize where I attained my Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health Nursing.
Editorial: Patriotic Ponderings
My first travels to Belize were before the country had gained independence from the Queen, and I wish I still had those Belikin beer glasses that commemorated that historic day on Sept 21, 1981! Little did I know then that those souvenirs would someday represent the independence of my new homeland.
As a recently naturalized Belizean this year’s Independence Day holds a special place in my heart…for the land of the free by the Carib Sea is now the country I am proud to call home. And even though tyrants and despots still linger in our young country, Belizeans maintain the hope that our country can be a tranquil haven for democracy. The words of our National Anthem still ring true; nature has blessed us with wealth untold, from our mountains and valleys where prairies roll, to our coral isles over blue lagoon – we should never forget that we are fortunate to call this beautiful country our home.
Dengue outbreak numbers decline
The number of confirmed dengue fever cases have gone down in San Pedro since the outbreak was first reported a few weeks ago. On Friday, August 23rd the Ministry of Health (MoH) launched the dengue prevention campaign, “Keep San Pedro Dengue Free” due to 19 confirmed cases of dengue fever on Ambergris Caye. A team of ten public health officers were sent to Ambergris Caye to investigate and assist in tackling the dengue outbreak. The team inspected areas that were likely to be a breeding spots for the virus-transmitting mosquito Aedes Aegypti, a striped black and white mosquito. These areas included San Mateo, San Pablo, San Marcos, DFC and Boca del Rio areas.
According to San Pedro Health Inspector, Lisa Tillet the numbers of infected individuals has dropped, as only two confirmed infected cases of dengue have been reported since the initial report. “We will not say that the fear of contracting dengue fever is over, but it is being controlled. Fewer people are reporting dengue fever and that is good,” said Tillet.
SACNW hosts annual September Potluck event
The South Ambergris Caye Neighborhood Watch group (SACNW) held its annual September potluck event on Sunday the 15th at the Caribe Island Resort. The gathering is a fun way for neighbors to get together in a social atmosphere and enjoy the beach, the company and some wonderful food. This year the food was plentiful and varied – and all gone by 2pm! Bob Utsman was kind enough to hold a Chinese auction and this event raised $325 in a short 15 minutes of laughter and daring. The happy winner was our very own Jan Brown from the Marco Gonzalez Archeological Reserve. The prizes were generously donated by Wine De Vine, the Black Orchid Restaurant and the Belize Chocolate Company. Guests included a handful of police officers that are always glad to assist SACNW in its endeavors. SACNW takes this opportunity to thank the Caribe Island Resort for graciously hosting this event.
Diving into Adventure-The Great Blue Hole
It can be described as a diver’s paradise and a snorkeler’s dream. What is it I’m speaking of you may ask? The Great Blue Hole of course!
The Blue Hole is worshipped by many for its splendid aura and breathtaking sights. The 410 ft deep submarine sinkhole rests peacefully in the midst of Lighthouse Atoll, its body of deep blue waters perfectly encircled by layers and layers of striking corals, stalactites and stalagmites. The site boasts diversity as it not only attracts underwater (dive) enthusiasts but also embraces those seeking an exciting adventure an equally exciting via snorkelling.
Geared up and ready to take the plunge, I was once again on another adventure with the boys from Amigos del Mar, whose dock we had left at 6AM sharp. Our group consisted of about thirty of divers and snorkellers, who were ready to experience one of the greatest wonders of the world. It was a full day tour package divided into three adventures.
Misc Belizean Sources
Did you loose this dog?
If this is your dog, or if you know who the dog belongs to, kindly contact Jose Castillo, caretaker at Solaria Villas (located between Las Terazzas and Rendezvous, 3.5 miles north of San Pedro).
Jose's phone number is 604-1978. The dog followed him home Friday night and is being cared for at Solaria now.
Electric Bill Craziness
Umm we just received a bill for $1100...our neighbor last month had a crazy bill too..So for one month we have used more electricity then the other 9 months? Has anyone else had this experience? Our bill is totally random right now. It's huge and makes no sense. Very annoying.
There has been no rhyme or reason for us either....The media has gotten involved, BEL states they have a special customer service group for these unexplained increases....We have hired electricians and monitored our meter....still cannot figure it out....Last month $591 this month $791....If you discover something let us know.....
San Pedro Independence Day 2013 Parade Winners
1st Place - Wil Alamilla - "Shaping up a colorful future"
2nd Place - Wings
1st Place - San Pedro AIDS Commission
2nd Place - Sajia's Construction
3rd Place - Just Friends
Wil Alamilla "Shaping up a colorful future"
Little Dynamic Stars
All winners can pass by at the San Pedro Town Council to collect their prize.
Thanks everyone for participating and thank you to all our judges.
Your Excellency, the Governor-General, Sir Colville Young, and Lady Young Hon Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica and our Independence Day Guest of Honour My Lord Chief Justice, Kenneth Benjamin, and other Justices of the Supreme Court Hon Leader of the Opposition, Francis Fonseca, and Mrs Fonseca Hon Ministers of government and Members of the National Assembly Your Worship the Mayor of Belmopan, Mr Simeon Lopez, and Mrs Lopez My Lords the Bishops of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches of Belize Superintendent of the Methodist Belize/Honduras District President of the Evangelical Association of Churches Other members of the Clergy Excellencies of the Diplomatic Corps Members of the Consular Corps Special guests, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, Fellow Belizeans.
PHS needs a donor for a sick puppy on the penninsula. Any healthy dog can give blood. Please call Doran, Chairman Placencia Humane Society at 670-4130. No matter where you are at, arrangements can be worked out. Thank you in advance.
VIDEO: Getting the party started with the San Pedro Dance Company
One of the highlights of my Friday night September Celebrations fun was walking out of Fido's sometime after 10:00pm with Beth and Tacoboy and getting paraded by the San Pedro Dance Company.
PHOTOS: Jouvert, Placencia 2013
Not technically my best work but I did enjoy shooting it. Feel free to drag them off and use them however you like as long as you don't remove the watermark in the lower right corner of the image. Tag them if you know them.
PHOTOS: Independence Day Parade - Placencia 2013
Okay some free photos for you to use. I didn't really do much post processing at all. So if you're in the parade and saw me pointing the lens at you, it should be in here. Feel free to use them as you wish as long as you leave the watermark. If you know someone feel free to tag them. If you want the full size image just contact me and I'll try dig them up for you.
Belize da fu We
Great song for a great Independence Day. Courtesy of Pandy.
"Super Furia Band from Orange Walk Town,Belize, singing about dem no weh get wa square Centimeter a de sweet BELIZE LAND"
Succotz Independence Day Parade
Independence Day found many villages around Cayo having parades and festivities. Rain didn't stop them either. Thanks to D Russell Photography, many great pictures were captured.
More photos here!
Cayo Celebrates Independence Eve
Happy Independence Day! Last night in Cayo was supreme! Live Music Fridays at Mr. Greedy's always draws a crowd, and the Cayo Welcome Center had Grupo Jade play through the night. The fireworks were amazingly well done.
"Downtown Cayo was packed with happy party goers, who all came out for some great music, happy hour priced drinks(Mr. Greedy's), and fireworks. Mr. Greedy's Pizzeria had Emmanuel Mangar for their Live Music Friday, and Fuego Bar & Grill Belize brought in Grupo Jade for their Music in the Park at the Cayo Welcome Center. There's a new restaurant there called D Catch, and they have great drinks and ceviche."
D Catch Grand Opening
D Catch had their grand opening last night, and they had Emmanuel Mangar for your listening pleasure. D Catch has amazing ceviches and some nice drinks. They are conveniently located in the Cayo Welcome Center. It's already looking like they'll be Cayo's number one seafood restaurant. What a great day to have a grand opening. Happy Independence Day!
"The Owner & staff at D catch are honored to have Cayo’s Best performing Live!! Emmanuel Manger is a young and talented artist. We fully support our local artist here at D Catch!
Emmanuel’s performance is at 7:00pm! Don’t be late"
The Independence Day parade in Corozal town was spectacular. These pictures are courtesy my colleague Lyndon Gillett.
Despite a heavy downpour, complete with thunder and lightening, thousands of Belizeans turned out for the Independence Day parade in San Ignacio/Santa Elena.
Independence, which this year we celebrate under the theme "Belize in you, Belize in me -Land of the free", is the cardinal fact of a nation's existence. It is political and geopolitical. It is cultural and ethnic and spiritual and material. It is the very fount of a country's being, the source of things practical and philosophical, of things quotidian and things transformational. In reflecting on our Independence, then, we must of course be preoccupied with the here and now, with our current well being and state of affairs. But we must also be forward looking, concerned with the future, with where we want to go and how we get there.
Students In Corozal Take Part In Children's Rally
Our Corozal reporter Victor Castillo also was on hand for the school’s parade in Corozal Town. Here’s that story. Victor Castillo- Reporter It’s one of the staples for September—The Primary...
Annual School Rally Lights Up The Streets Of O/W
Orange Walk Town came alive this morning as the students and teachers of the various learning institutions paraded through the principle streets. The parade was filled with festive colours;...
Honorable George Cadle Price Gone But Not Forgotten
On September 19, 2011, Father of the Nation Rt. Hon. George Price passed away a little before seven in the morning, leaving Belizeans around the world to mourn his death. ...
The History Behind The Belizean Flag
September is a time for jubilation, and patriotic pride is exhibited by Belizeans all around the world with the proud waving and display of our flag. But how many...
The Belize Times
Friends With Benefits – UDP corrupts Social Investment Fund
The Social Investment Fund (SIF), which was once recognized throughout the region as a model development-funding agency, has now been permanently tarnished by corruption at the hands of operatives of the UDP Government.
The agency has been turned into a sort of “Friends With Benefits” organization where friends of UDP Ministers are allowed to disregard due process and exploit its resources. In return the UDP Ministers get kickbacks for their political campaigns and UDP friends collect special monetary gifts, while the project languishes and its proposed beneficiaries are shafted.
On Tuesday the Executive Director of SIF, Daniel Cano, resigned amidst a huge scandal involving allegations of extortion made by a contractor, Kenard Smart, who is a known UDP. Four other executive employees: Public Relations Officer, Mike Hernandez; Project Engineer, Lionel Jimenez; Financial officer Enrique Romero and Fausto Pineda were fired following evidence that they received payments from Smart’s company, K&G Construction.
Penner forced to resign!!
The Barrow Administration has confirmed what the BELIZE TIMES has been reporting for several months – that massive corruption exists in the Ministry of Immigration involving the unscrupulous issuance of visas and passports by high officials.
The Minister of State in the Ministry of Immigration Elvin Penner was forced to resign on Wednesday evening and the public informed of that resignation on Thursday morning via a vague press release from the Office of the Prime Minister.
The release did not give a clear reason for the firing, aside from saying that Penner “did not discharge his responsibilities with either the due judgment and balance, or the scrupulous regard for appearances” in a “situation” that was brought to the attention of the Prime Minister.
Tribute to George Price – PUP observes 2nd Annual National Service Day
One of the everlasting memories of the Father of the Nation Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price is his selfless commitment to service to the nation. To mark the legacy of the Father of the Nation, last year the PUP committed to holding a day of national service annually. This year, the PUP is holding steadfast to its commitment with a series of activities to commemorate the important day.
The day began with the PUP Leader Hon. Francis Fonseca, members of the Price family and other leaders of the Party laying a wreath at Premier Price’s grave site at Lord Ridge Cemetery. Following this various constituencies and the arms of the Party spread across the country to carry out its community service.
The PUP Freetown carried out a visit to the elderly where they also handed over a food basket with basic food items. The Committee also donated paint to Trinity Methodist School.
We Belizeans have much to be thankful for as we celebrate 32 years of becoming an independent nation.
We are still a God bearing nation. We have excellent relationship among our diverse ethnic groups. We have a reasonable working form of democracy although it is currently crippled and mocked by a handful of politicians in office.
We are a poor people but need to remember the words of our national Anthem that nature has blest us with wealth untold and that with good leadership and proper government we all can and will enjoy the benefits of that blessing.
Despite the shocking revelations in the recent report by the Inter American Development Bank, a large number of our young people are still able to get into school across the nation thanks to the efforts of their parents.
There are still decent numbers of our people who get up each day and have some form of work to go to. Our hearts bleed for the large number who can find no work. It is unsatisfactory that workers like the Police, BDF, teacher, nurses and Public Officers have been slaving in the trenches and their wages are unable to keep up with the rising cost of living.
Requiem for September 10th holiday
By G. Michael Reid. So the UDP portion of the celebrations is over and done with and now we can move on the day when all Belizeans can join in the celebration. The Tenth of September has come and gone but from most accounts, it did not amount to much. I watched the parade (if you can call it that) on the only media house that actually covered the event in real time. No surprise, that station was Wave radio and television, the UDP party organs. All that I saw was a bunch of red shirts and a few UDP flags being waved. It was a sad requiem to an occasion that was once festive, inclusive and expressive of loyalty to country. The parade, like the holiday, seems to have now been reduced to simply a display of loyalty to a political party.
On the eve of the parade was another traditional parade, this one The Fire Engine Parade. So named because it is where all the fire engines in town would join with any other vehicle that used a siren to circle the town and add to the excitement of the occasion. It is something that used to be looked forward to, in particular by young children. A part of the tradition, and this traditionally an equally exciting part, was the large number of bicycles that would follow the parade.
Thirty two years after our glorious independence, Dean Barrow as the current Prime Minister has succeeded in dragging our young nation to the ground. Barrow himself has been in party politics for thirty years and has succeeded in bringing nothing to the table. There is no legislation, no policy initiative, no plank or raft of reform to which he points to or claims credit to which he can say with some measure of pride: this is my legacy to my country.
The stinking, rotten carcass of corruption which represents only the last in a long line of scandalous revelations under the Dean Barrow Administration burst out of Dangriga two weeks ago. Hundreds and thousands of dollars has been stolen and disappeared like so many other scandalous hustles under Dean Barrow. He never has any apologies, so do not expect any from the wholesale thieving that went on in Dangriga.
This latest one is $700,000 of money that should have assisted the poor people of Dangriga.
The Social Investment Fund (SIF) has become a sieve under Barrow. That is where all the money is being funnelled to cronies and Party hacks. They are hustling to high heavens.
Pope, Choto, Eiley & Quiros win September Criterium
Benny’s Megabytes’ Byron Pope won the elite category of the Belize Cycling Association’s annual September criterium sponsored by Bowen & Bowen Ltd on Albert and Regent Streets in downtown Belize City on Sunday, September 15.
Jose Choto won the Masters category, while Kerah Eiley won the Female category and Oscar Quiros won the junior category.
Pope was 1st in the 30-lap race to win 5 cases of Belikin beer and stout from Bowen & Bowen Ltd and the 1st place trophy as well as 3 lap prizes of $25 each at the 9th, 24th and 27th laps.
Easy Does It & UB Jaguars win softball games
Easy Does It of Flowers Bank and the UB Jaguars both won Game 1 of the Belize Rural women’s softball semifinals in Lord’s Bank on Sunday.
Winning pitcher Amber Wade led Easy Does It to an 18-17 win over Lord’s Bank Sunrise, whose pitcher Stacey Smith was credited with the loss.
Winning pitcher Herlette Clarke led the UB Jaguars to a 16-6 win by mercy rule over Double Head Cabbage Mel’s United, whose pitcher Annett Morey was credited with the loss.
Easy Does It will take on Lord’s Bank Sunrise and the UB Jaguars face off with Mel’s United in Game 2 of their series in Lord’s Bank at 9 AM Sunday, September 22.
Belize’s Eric Stamp wins Gold in Central American table tennis championships
Belizean Eric Stamp won Gold in the 65 and over age category; while Hector Lopez and Davis Huang won bronze medals in the 60-64 years category; when Belize Table Tennis Association hosted the XV Central American table tennis masters singles championships at the Belize Elementary School auditorium over the weekend.
68 players signed up in the Round Robin competition followed by Knock Out finals for 2 players from each group who advances to the Knock Out Final round.
Costa Rica’s Carlos Velazquez won the 30-39 category. Mexico’s Sergio Blanco won the 40-49 category. El Salvador’s Jose Ramos won the 50-59 category. Gerardo Villagra of Costa Rica won the 60-64 category in 1st place while Belize’s Hector Lopez and Davis Huang were 3rd place.
AMAZING GRACE – Has Belize come to her senses?
Belize is a country which can boast natural treasures, such as our blue hole, our barrier reef (which is the longest living barrier reef), pristine jungles, and so much more. Our land is also a treasure chest of history with our Maya sites and preservations. We are masters of diversity; the descendants of the indigenous Maya, the Garifuna, the Creole, the Mestizo, and even modern Europeans call this place home. It has been more than three decades since independence was gained on that fateful night in 1981. Now, as our thirty-second birthday approaches, I wonder: Belize, have you come to your senses?
Jesus tells a story about a young man who came to his senses when he hit absolute rock bottom. This particular young man had everything: a nice home, a loving father, food on the table. Still, he was restless. He needed to get out and see the world, so he demanded his inheritance from his father. After pocketing his father’s money, he turned on his heels and went about his own way. Drunk on his new wealth, the son decided to take a walk on the wild side. He frequented the latest dance clubs and partied away. He bought rounds of booze for his friends and kept the company of prostitutes. Sounds like a lot of fun right?
Stake Bank – Striking the Right Balance
There is a lot of heated debate taking place right now over two mega-developments being proposed for the future of tourism in Belize.
On the one hand, there is the Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) project that seems to have gotten off on the wrong foot, with a reckless “diss” to the sacred dügu ceremony and an MOU that looks more like an IOU. It is clear that with the NCL deal, certain handpicked UDPs “di come up” with no real or long-term benefits trickling down to our southern brothers and sisters. Sure, there may be a few jobs created, 25% to be exact, but cleaning up the excrement and trash left behind by party-going revelers could hardly be described as “dignified” employment. After five long years of complete neglect, the south is hungry for investment, any investment, and the UDPs are now capitalizing on our people’s starvation.
On the other hand, the Stake Bank project seems to have taken off almost turbulent-free. For starters, the project is the brainchild of the Feinstein Group headed by Mike Feinstein, a Belizean developer who is tried, tested and proven.
Stories of a Sufferah – Fallen Soldiers
It’s a common practice for everyone connected to a fallen soldier to pay their respect at the soldier’s departure from this world. I have been to several funerals where “fallen soldiers” are given the fullest respect, not by the top brass but by the foot soldiers.
I went to the late Michelle Williams funeral, in attendance was a host of teachers, students, ordinary citizens and fellow soldiers from various neighborhoods.
I also attended the late great Pearlene Smith’s funeral whose attendants were mostly relatives and neighborhood sympathizers.
At both funerals I observed a serious sense of disrespect as none of the political bosses for any of them showed up to pay their respects.
I would have to say that the highest level of disrespect towards a fallen soldier was at the late PC Dean Yearwood’s funeral, whose very own superiors challenged the events that led to his death.
Thirty two years ago, after a hard won campaign for recognition of our right to Independence, the people of Belize began charting a new course as a sovereign, independent nation, inspired by the message and vision of George Price.
There is reason for us therefore to be proud and even to celebrate.
As we celebrate, we recognize that serious challenges confront us as a nation. Governance continues to be characterized by chronic combativeness. We need less confrontation and more dialogue. We need less arrogance and more humility. Less personality politics and more problem solving.
The UDP Government’s response to the PUP proposal for Reform of the Public Accounts Committee, supported by the NTUCB and the Chamber of Commerce, regrettably, takes us further away from these objectives. The will of the people can be delayed. It shall not be denied. The politics of change and participation is here to stay.
We need more support for Young People!
We all know that in an ever changing world, BELIZE needs to adapt quickly, or the country and its people will lose their grasp. The younger generations are fast adapting to technology, internet and cable TV, for instance. However, they need to learn to apply it properly to accommodate Education, Entrepreneurship, and Community Service. These areas must be “worked into” the mentality of the young people in BELIZE to ensure that the future is not only promising, but feasible to growth and development.
Without a proper education, you can’t be adequately employed. Getting an education that encompasses both academics and technical “hands on” experience is a necessity. That is solid education. A majority of young Belizeans are accustomed to going to school because they “have to” – because their parents send them. That MUST change. Parents are sending their children to school to LEARN, and make the best of themselves.
Pay up GOB!
Dear Editor,
I write expressing my displeasure and my anger at how our Government continues to shamelessly disregard the welfare of its citizens. Two years ago, I brought a suit against a customer who owed me some thousand dollars. I had won the case and I was to get this money from the Treasury and every time I visit the Treasury I am given the turn around. I am told to go and get it in Belmopan. I have been to Belmopan four times and every time I am told to pick it up from the Treasury in my town.
Over this two year period, I have made every effort to get my money and I am still here, not paid one penny. How does our Government treat citizens this way? How does it expect me to give it another chance at governance? What is worse, Editor is that Government charges 12% GST on this sum of money.
Getting paraded by the San Pedro Dance Company
All across Belize people were enjoying September Celebrations parties. San Pedro Town was no exception and it was packed with people who came out to enjoy the start of the Independence Day Parade festivities
We started at Wine de Vine, I had not been there in a while and it was nice to visit with the Island Wine drinkers. We followed that Pedro’s Inn for some live music, to see the The Cover-ups – great rock and roll band that plays there every Friday. After that we hit the block party in the park for a while and then decided to walk down the road to Fido’s Restaurant & Bar.
One of the highlights of my Friday night September Celebrations fun was walking out of Fido’s sometime after 10:00pm with Beth and Tacoboy and getting paraded by the San Pedro Dance Company.
Tip for living in Belize – The party month of September is a good time to make sure you are taking your vitamins. Same applies for June and the week long celebration of San Pedro Lobster Festival.
HAPPY Independence Day Belize! Today The Country JUMPS UP!
Okay…so none of you are actually awake yet. In fact, in Belize, September 20th is one of the biggest party nights of the year. And in San Pedro? That’s saying a lot. We’ve got some BIG party nights. Like Halloween and New Year’s Eve…and Easter weekend, the whole weekend…and August’s Costa Maya festival…the list goes on.
Now first open Belize’s Ernestine Caballo’s song and PLAY: Carnival Is Here.
Last night kicked off (KICKED OFF) at 10pm with the Central Park block party, the 11pm Coast Guard 21 gun salute (which immediately has me humming the Green Day song) and the midnight HUGE fireworks display.
What was I doing? Sleeping. The fireworks did wake me for about 10 seconds. Lame. Yes I know. No need to say it.
I did stop by earlier in the day to take some pictures of the set-up…and then again in the early evening around 8pm. Here are my pictures.
After about a week of grey skies and rain, yesterday was gorgeous.
Belize At 32 - Happy Birthday
The land of my birth, Belize, celebrates its independence today. I can still feel the pride and remember the celebrations on that day, September 21, 1981 when Belize went from self-government under British rule to independence.
Traditional Independence Day celebrations will be held all over the country and will include open-air concerts, dancing in the streets and family time cookouts in parks and backyards in honor of the holiday.
I also wish to extend my sincere good wishes to the prime minister, Hon. Dean Barrow, on this special day. May we have continued prosperity and a peaceful future and a new tomorrow.
Belizeans abroad, let's celebrate with pride!
During the period 11-13 September 2013, Caribbean Export Development Agency, assisted 20 Caribbean firms, the majority of whom were from Jamaica (14 firms), in their effort to explore trade opportunities with the Dominican Republic (DR). Other participating firms included those from St. Lucia, Grenada, Guadeloupe and Haiti. The initiative was executed within the framework of the EU funded 10th European Development Fund Regional Private Sector Development Programme and was geared towards the promotion of stronger trade and investment relations between CARICOM and the Dominican Republic.
“Independence Day” in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize.
No lengthy narrative from me for this edition. I got up. Spent some time on the veranda. Watched a couple of Premiership games (none of them particularly scintillating). Had breakfast. And then Rose and I went to the town center to watch the Independence Day parade. And what follows is a load of photos to let you see what we saw.
On the way to the start point at Boca del Rio.
And another one.
Rose and I then went to Angel Coral Street (Back Street) to watch the parade and catch the participants when they were at their freshest (it was also not as hot and crowds for us as it was in Barrier Reef Drive (Front Street). Some things you learn with age!
International Sources
US Increases Elite Troops in Latin American and Caribbean
The U.S. has deployed additional Special Operations Forces (SOF) in Latin America on training and intelligence gathering missions, says a study caried out by several academic centers in this capital city.
These units are part of an assistance program in the region and most have been formed under the pretext of anti-narcotic operations, despite Caribbean and Latin American leaders growing calls for a change to this policy.
The new assessment on security in the Western Hemisphere was developed by the Latin American Working Group Education Fund (Lawgef), the Center for International Policy (CIP) and the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA).
These institutions point out that even though U.S. assistance has dropped to nearly the lowest level in more than a decade, there is a focus on other less transparent military activities, out of the public eye.
The report titled "Time to Listen: Trends in U.S. Security Assistance to Latin American and the Caribbean," highlights that significant financial resources have not been devoted to these activities, yet everything is kept under a veil of mystery.
Guy Lamothe new Ambassador of Haiti to Belize
Wednesday, Guy Lamothe, the new Ambassador of Haiti to Belize, presented in Belmopan [Capital of Belize] his credentials to the Governor General Colville Young. Mr. Lamothe, already Ambassador of Haiti in Mexico will keep its office in that country. Guy Lamothe succeeds to Guy Alexandre, to this function officially vacant since the resignation of the latter in 2003.
This is the second time since the independence of Belize, that Haiti is represented by an ambassador. Ambassador Lamothe, at the invitation of the Government of Belize, will participate today, Saturday to the festivities commemorating the 31st anniversary of the Independence of the country.
US Sends Best Wishes to Belize on 32nd Anniversary
On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I send best wishes to the Belizean people as you mark the 32nd anniversary of your nation’s independence on September 21.
Our relationship is strong and rooted in the shared values of democracy and cultural diversity. We work as partners to promote citizen security, expand trade and economic growth, and build opportunities for all people. The successful friendship between our two countries sets a powerful example for the entire region.
Belize’s Kanantik Reef & Jungle Resort Is a Breathtaking Eco-Hideaway
A breathtaking eco-hideaway on 300 jungle acres between Dangriga and Placencia in Belize is the Kanantik Reef & Jungle Resort in Dangriga. Founded in 2002 by an Italian businessman, Kanantik, which means “to take care” in Mayan Mopan. The resort is eco in every way, located four miles from the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, which is nothing short of a jaguar preserve and a short boat ride from the world’s second-largest barrier reef. Imagine Mayan thatched-roof cabanas with wraparound decks, canopied beds, and wood floors. Kanantik’s 25 luxurious private cabanas, salt-water pool and world-class restaurant are found on 1,300 acres of untouched jungle, home to a menagerie of wildlife and flora. With the jungle and mountains behind, Kanantik is a rare resort in that it also looks out over the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean Sea. No other resort in Belize offers this magical blend of jungle refuge and tropical beach. The stretch of beach will take you away into a world of tropical haven….a place you can lounge, swim, relax, read a book or order an exotic cocktail.
September 21, 2013

Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report.
Specials and Events
Last night's TV news on Channel 7 and Channel 5
Also with the most recent Open Your Eyes, and the Dickie Bradley Specials
The San Pedro Sun
Carnival, Jump Up and Jo’uvert- Celebrations of Independence!
While many of us are familiar with Carnival there is one aspect of it that is almost, if not as equally fun …Jo’uvert (pronounced: Jou-vay)! The word Jo’uvert itself is derived from French patios and literally can be translated as “daybreak” or morning. This is only fitting being that Jo’uvert starts in the evening and lasts until daybreak. For many, thinking of jo’uvert brings one thing to mind “Loads.” Loads of music, drinks, mud, paint, oil or chocolate smeared all over loads of people, who partake in this street party until the break of dawn, all for the sake of good and maybe “not-so” clean fun. In Trinidad, the covering of oneself and others in mud/oil/chocolate is done in remembrance of a civil disturbance that took place in Port of Spain, whereby the people painted themselves with oil or mud in order to avoid recognition.
TripAdvisor® awards certificate of excellence to The Belize Zoo
All those who visit it can surely say that The Belize Zoo (TBZ) is the best little zoo in the world. It is thanks to these visitors who recognize this tiny jewel of wildlife conservation and education that TripAdvisor® has recognized TBZ by awarding them with a Certificate of Excellence for the year 2013. TBZ received a four and a half star rating, making it among the top 10% of attractions rated by TripAdvisor® worldwide.
Electrical failure is the cause of Ramon’s Village Resort fire
On August 27th a large portion of the world renowned Ramon’s Village Resort on Ambergris Caye was destroyed by a horrific fire. Nearly four weeks later, the Belize Fire Department is reporting that their investigation concludes that the fire was caused by an electrical malfunction. According to Orin Smith, Station Officer and lead fire investigator, the fire started in cabaña number 14 and not in number 15 as was initially reported. “Our investigation has concluded and has determined that the fire originated in cabaña 14. What transpired is that the two structures were very close to each other, and from the view of many, who saw the fire, it was thought that it started in structure 15. While investigating we found that the fire started on the roof of cabaña 14. The cause of the fire was classified as electrical due to evidence of “beading through arcing” (evidence of a melted conductor that was exposed to a certain temperature during the fire sufficient to cause melting) that was discovered on a wire that provided electricity to a ceiling fan in the cabaña. None of the other wires had evidence of arcing or beading,” said Smith. The total estimated cost of the damages has not been revealed, but according to Smith, because the fire was not “arson,” no one can be held responsible and it is classified as an accident.
Ramon’s Village Resort open for business
Rebuilding underway following fire, staff eager to welcome guests.
Ramon’s Village Resort is pleased to announce that the iconic beach resort located on the island of Ambergris Caye, Belize is now open for business following a fire at the resort on Tuesday, August 27th. While a portion of the resort sustained fire damage with rebuilding already underway, thirty authentic thatched roof cabanas on the north side of the property are open for occupancy as well as ten quaint cottages at the Belizean Princess located just across the street from Ramon’s. The warm sand, azure blue waters of the western Caribbean and delightful cabanas at Ramon’s Village and stylish cottages at the Belizean Princess, all nestled among native flora and fauna, await our beloved guests.
Record Attendance at 17th annual Expo Belize Market Place
The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) hosted their 17th annual Expo Belize Market Place on the weekend of September 14th and 15th. The two-day event attracted over 19,000 people at the Institute of Technical Vocational Education Training (ITVET) facility on Freetown Road in Belize City. The Expo Belize Market Place is held to coincide with the September Celebrations and provides the business sector with the opportunity to showcase goods and services at one of the biggest trade shows in Belize. “An impressive 19, 000 plus visitors swarmed in from various parts of the country to experience the largest trade show in Belize. The various attractions this year included the participation of the Cooperatives of Belize, the Department of the Environment, other governmental and nongovernmental organizations, Embassies, popular local artists and artisans, the fuel and oil companies, children’s entertainment corners. In addition to displays from the numerous commerce, manufacturing and services sectors, this year’s EXPO also had the participation from a Guyanese company Edward B. Beharry & Company Ltd,” report the BCCI.
BBQ lunch at the Lion's Den today
On 21st Belize Independence Day, the Lions Club will be serving BBQ lamb ,rice and beans, stew chicken and potato salad starting at 11AM. Come and get your lunch, the bar will be open, come out and watch the parade!
Ambergris Today
Minister of State Elvin Penner Required to Resign
The Office of the Prime Minister announced that, with immediate effect, the Hon. Elvin Penner is no longer a Minister of State in the current Administration. The Prime Minister formed the view that, with respect to a situation brought to his attention on Tuesday, Hon. Penner, as Minister of State in the Immigration Ministry, did not discharge his responsibilities with either the due judgment and balance, or the scrupulous regard for appearances, which the Prime Minister demands of all his Ministers. As a consequence the Prime Minister me with Hon. Penner on the evening of Wednesday, September 18, 2013, and required him to resign. After discussion Hon. Penner agreed with the position of the Prime Minister. He therefore tendered and had accepted his immediate resignation.
Mayor Danny Visits Schools on National Service Day
On September 19, 2013, the entire country of Belize conducted various activities in observance of National Service Day in remembrance of the father of the nation RH. Hon. George Cadle Price. It is a day set for Belizeans to carry out community service projects in order to make a positive change through hard work and service.
In Ambergris Caye the San Pedro Town Council set out to all the different schools (ABC Pre-School, Brighter Tomorrow, Little Angles and San Pedro Pre-School) to give out coloring books and goodies. The children were happy to receive a visit by Mayor Daniel Guerrero and his councilors.
Misc Belizean Sources
VIDEO: Giant Cave Entrance
A GoPro view of the entrance into Giant Cave, Caye Caulker.
Initial frames show me making sure GoPro is running, and some of the equipment I am carrying.
Next frames show Caye Caulker in relation to the cave entrance, very close to shore.
Then I start into the hole following Marty in. You can see the entrance is vertical from the bubbles coming up at me as I make my way through the crack. The thin line you see is the only thing that keeps us from getting lost. Remember I am wearing double 80's on my back and another 80cf stage tank on my side.
Marty is at the bottom of the shaft and is beginning to enter the horizontal constriction at the bottom.
At 2:27, I get stuck and have to back out, running into another diver behind me. I have to back her up so I can get through. it is very constricted at the entrance and is at about 60-foot of depth. You can also see how easy the visibility goes to 0.
In the horizontal shaft you have to crawl on your belly to get through, pulling with your hands.
The Contrast of Field Work
In the field, I sometimes have those special days, full of contrasts. During a recent outing with the crew from the Environmental Research Institute at the University of Belize Field Station on Calabash Caye, I had such a day - low visibility water vs crystal clear closeup photography; rough boat ride going out vs smooth as silk on return; cold, windy morning vs warm sunny afternoon; icy, big drop rain storms with lightening all around vs beautiful sunset; shivering hungry divers hoping to head home vs stuffed, dry scientists ready to do a night dive.
This short video on the GoPro shot at 60 fps and replayed at 30 fps shows us in the middle of a rainstorm, where the drops sting and the cold water and wind forces us to look for shelter where there is none (note the one diver grabbing a fin to protect her face) vs the ride back home at sunset ... smooth, warm, tired but feeling alive ... — with Victor J Alamina, Celso Cawich, Chris Encalada and Ruth Gutierrez.
Coronation of Miss San Pedro 2013-2014, Miss Solani Graniel and Uniform Parade of school in commemoration of the Battle of St. George's Caye.
On Monday, September 9, The San Pedro House of Culture along with the San Pedro Town Council hosted a Tribute to the Baymen at Central Park. There was a presentation by the Marching Band from San Pedro High School, Dances by the San Pedro Dance Academy, National Anthem and Song Presentation by Tricia Stokes and to close the show a presentation by the Varandah Taylz Theatre Company from Belize City. There was also musical entertainment by Man at Work throughout the Night as well as the Punta Boyz.
On Thursday, September 19 we celebrated National Service Day in commemoration of the father of the nation, Hon. George Cadle Price. Mayor Daniel Guerrero and Councilors visited the pre-schools to hand deliver some treats and coloring books to the children. It was a great joy seeing their reactions and how excited they were for their treats!
1. ABC Pre-School
2. Brighter Tomorrow Pre-School
3. Little Angels Pre-School
4. San Pedro Pre-School
5. ABC Pre-School (afternoon class)
Independence Celebrations in Benque
Benque Viejo celebrated Independence Eve with a school rally this morning, and yesterday they celebrated National Service Day and National Colors Day in style.
"Benque Viejo observed its beautiful Independence School Rally earlier this morning ad a symbol of patriotism and love for Belize."
Pictures from National Service Day and National Colors Day
Independence Day Eve in Cayo
Cayo will be hapening tonight. In fact, on Burns avenue, the party has already started. Emmanuel Mangar is playing at Mr. Greedy's, which is having happy hour all day today and tomorrow.
The Soul Project is having their Open Mic night tonight, and tomorrow night will have Emmeth Young and the Talla Walla Vibrations play.
At the Cayo Welcome Center tonight, the Jade Band will be playing for this week's Music in the Park. Fireworks start at midnight. Have a safe and fun Independence Day weekend!
4 The World Duck Run Medical Clinic
Feelgood news of the day. Duck Run was another village that 4 The World paid a visit to on their medical mission around Cayo. This week they did clinics in Calla Creek, La Gracia, and Santa Familia. Thanks again, 4 The World!
"We can't say enough good things about the OUHSC Team as they have done an amazing job helping so many people all over the Cayo District of Belize. Today's medical clinic was planned and set-up by two special 4 The World volunteers who several years ago were the first recipients of 4 The World scholarships to go to high school. Rigzy and Edlin did a fantastic job planning & setting up the clinic for their village!"
September Celebrations Music in the Park
Happy Independence Eve! There's a lot going on in Cayo this weekend. Parades, music, dinner specials, motorcades, and fireworks. The special September Celebration edition of Music in the Park was spectacular. A big thanks to the BTB and Fuego Bar and Grill for making this happen! Have a great holiday weekend!
In related news, Fuego is having their Music in the Park tonight, and the Jade Band will be playing.
"There was a lot happening at the Cayo Welcome Center Saturday. The Belize Tourism Board set up a great little display, and they gave out prizes and some food during the day. The World Culture Band teamed up with Emmanuel Mangar again at night. Rompe Rajas also played a few sets."
Primary School children attending schools in San Antonio, Cayo took part in an Independence parade in the village this morning. Guest of honor at the event was Cooperatives Officer and village resident Leonardo Solomon Tzib.
The final touches are being added to the float from Georgeville that will be entered in the Independence Day parade on Saturday. The Williams family has been working on the artistic creation since August 1st. Here is a first look at the float.
Bridgetown, Barbados, September 16, 2013. During the period 11-13 September 2013, Caribbean Export Development Agency, assisted 20 Caribbean firms, the majority of whom were from Jamaica (14 firms), in their effort to explore trade opportunities with the Dominican Republic (DR). Other participating firms included those from St. Lucia, Grenada, Guadeloupe and Haiti. The initiative was executed within the framework of the EU funded 10th European Development Fund Regional Private Sector Development Programme and was geared towards the promotion of stronger trade and investment relations between CARICOM and the Dominican Republic.
Channel 7
Penner’s Passport Scandal Unravels Further
Tonight, the scandal involving Cayo Northeast Representative Elvin Penner deepens as more information is surfacing about the Belizean passport that was fraudulently issued to a South Korean National.
7news has learned that the South Korean man is in jail in Taiwan and is pending extradition to another Asian country. He's reportedly very wealthy but has been in a Taiwan jail since August. Yet, quite suddenly, he now possesses a Belizean passport dated September 9th, 2013, which he could not have applied for - because he was in jail! Apparently, it was thought that the Belziean passport could have saved him from extradition.
The problem for former Minister of State in the Ministry of Immigration Penner is that he signed the South Korean's passport picture and application - which is required by law under the new passport regulations. The justice of the Peace counter-signing it is - we are told - a former UDP elected representative at the municipal level who is close to Penner.
Court: Yhony Assaulted No One
Many times on this newscast you've seen tour operator Yhony Rosado speaking out on matters affecting the cruise tourism sector. But 10 months ago, Rosado went from the accuser to the accused when a rival tour operator accused him of pulling his licensed 9mm pistol and making threats with it.
And while he did get remanded for one night, Rosado has been on bail, quietly and dutifully attending court to fight his case. Today, after numerous hearings and adjournments, the Belmopan Magistrate heard the matter in full. 7News was there in Belmopan and here's the story:
Daniel Ortiz reporting
Yhony Rosado, the owner of, arrived this morning for what he hoped would be the last adjournment for his case at the Belmopan Magistrate's Court, where he's been facing trial for aggravated assault with a firearm.
His friends, supporters, and employees gathered to provide him with moral support, and he was very confident that we would be exonerated:
Mahogany Heights And La Democracia Experienced Flooding
Yesterday, 7News showed you the flooding on the Western Highway which broke a culvert at mile 27, stopping our news team from getting to La Democracia and Mahogany Heights Villages where flash floods had swept in.
Well today, we went back to both villages where residents told us what happened when the water started rising early Thursday morning. Everyone we spoke to said that they'd never seen flooding like this in their village before:
Shaniki Brown - Resident, Mahogany Heights
"We had about 5 to 6 inches of water inside the house. When we woke up almost everything was floating in the house."
Daniel Ortiz
"Tell us about how you guys actually got the water out? How long did it took for the water to recede?"
Shaniki Brown - Resident, Mahogany Heights
"We had to wait for almost half an hour before the water from the yard start to go down, then the water from the house started to come out too."
Couple Charged For Intercourse With Minor
30 year-old John Williams, a resident of Lords Bank is at prison tonight after he and his girlfriend, 27 year-old Stacey Leslie were taken to court for allegedly performing sexual acts on a 14 year-old female minor.
The girl reported to police, at around midday on Tuesday, she was walking in the Hollywood area of Lord's Bank when Williams, who she knew very well, drove up and invited her into the car.
She was introduced to Leslie, who was in the passenger seat, and all 3 went to Cayo, where Williams bought them food. They then went back to Williams' house, and, that's where, according the minor, the couple gave her marijuana to smoke. Afterwards, Leslie allegedly performed oral sex on the minor, and later Williams joined by having intercourse with the girl.
Cano Took All Questions
Yesterday embattled former Executive Director of the Social Investment Fund Daniel Cano grabbed the national spotlight, when he hosted an hour-long press conference - where he took all questions from the media. He held the event to clear his name, which had been tarnished by the allegation that he took an eleven thousand dollar cash bribe from contractor Kennard Smart.
And, from the feedback we've gotten, Cano did what he had set out to do: those we've spoken were convinced by the quite appealing logic that someone who took a bribe would not have an hour long - no holds barred press conference. Tonight we look deeper into his disclosures, which he made freely, because as he said, he has nothing to hide:..
Daniel Cano, Former Executive Director - SIF
"I am here because I have nothing to hide. I have performed my duties at SIF to the best of my professional abilities and with always the best intentions."
Jules Vasquez reporting
But in the battlefield called SIF the best intentions weren't good enough - and Cano admits that he fell short of maintaining the highest standards:
SSB Cuts Senior Citizen’s Pension
This morning a 79 year old elderly man found his way to our news room after being disturbed with a letter he received today from the Social Security Board. Rupert Saunders was designated as one of 4,000 elderly men and women eligible to receive a monthly noncontributory pension under the poverty alleviation program.
But this morning he received a letter from SSB informing him that he had been cut from the program. The letter stated that the pension has been revoked based on information which showed that Saunders immediate family has adequate means of income in order to support him. It also mentioned that the pension will cease with effect from October 1st.
Now Saunders only used to get one hundred dollars a month, but he says that money goes a long way.
Rupert Saunders
"This morning I was home and they gave me this letter."
Monica Bodden
"A letter from Social Security?"
Rupert Saunders
"I was wondering who is this letter from, but when I open it and read it I found out that they took away my hundred dollars that I get every month. This is not right. I have a lot of family, but no one wants to take care of me."
Ivan Duran: Aurelio’s Work Is Belizean
Aurelio Martinez got a major putdown this week when the Belize Tourism Board apologized for choosing his song as the backing music for its own promotional video.
Well yesterday, the record producer Belizean Ivan Duran sounded off on facebook about the decision. He says , quote, "I'm really saddened to see some Belizeans treat Aurelio as a foreigner, Aurelio has done a lot to promote Belize and Garifuna culture throughout the world and he has been a key player, along with Andy Palacio and Paul Nabor in internationalizing the new 'sound of Belize.'" Duran adds, "Aurelio, is in great part responsible for "saving" Paranda music in Belize...Aurelio has always been treated as a distinguished honorary citizen of this country and he has always represented us proudly." And, Duran concludes,
"The song is question was recorded and produced in Belize, with Belizean musicians, sound engineers and music producers, furthermore, the copyright of this recording is owned by a Belizean record company. This recording is 100% Belizean, not only because of who owns the rights, but also because it represents an authentic Belizean sound which was conceived and created in Belize." Duran closes with a question,
KHMH Turns 18
Earlier this week, the KHMH invited the media to celebrate its 18thanniversary. In terms of media participation, it was a disaster: only Channel 7 and the Guardian newspaper showed up. But it was a newsworthy event nonetheless as the Hospital bosses spoke candidly about the institution'ssuccesses and its challenges - including this year's epic loss - the death of eight babies due to a runaway infection in the Pediatric Intensive care Unit.
Here's what they said about tough times in the past and a possibly bright future:
Daniel Ortiz reporting
Yesterday, the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital celebrated its 18th anniversary of service to the Belizean public. The KHMH is the national referral hospital, and as such, it has come a long way in its ability to provide tertiary level care to patients. However, the hospital has inherited the legacy of a public health institution. That legacy is one which the administration accepts has been challenging, given the cultural mindset to dismiss the good work which happens there.
West And Gaynair Head To Los Angeles
National Football team players Woodrow West and Ian Gaynair have been celebrated nationally and internationally for turning down a cash offer from a match fixer. And now, the Belizean American Community in Los Angeles wants to host them as guests of honour at Independence Day activities in the City of angels where there is a huge Belizean population. It's one more honor for the pair who have become international jet setters. We met them at the airport today:
Ian Gaynair, Being Honoured At Independence Celebrations in LA
"She said that she wanted us to be a special guest at the Hollywood Park that they usually have every year on the 21st of September. West and I was okay with that. Now everybody feels so happy that we are going out there. It is an honor to represent our country."
Woodrow West, Being Honoured At Independence Celebrations in LA
"It's a good feeling, it's not nervousness. I guess this time it will more easy because we are giving back to our fans. Mostly a lot of Belizeans will be there and we feel proud of our self that they appreciate us here and abroad."
Pan Yaad Was Epic
Since 2009 the Pan Yaad Concert at the House of Culture in Belize City has emerged as one of the true highlights of the September Celebrations Calendar. It is full of colour, movement, and that thing which always makes September special: Music! Last night was no different, as the steel bands, shimmered, swayed and grooved to music that floated on the night air like a sweet contagion. Here are some highlites of the three and a half hour concert:..
The entire concert which aired live on Channel 7 will repeat over the weekend.
And before we close tonight, a programming note: tune in at nine tonight on Channel 7 for the Cultural Extravaganza and Flag Raising live from the memorial park. And tomorrow morning join us at 9:00 for the Independence Day Official Ceremonies live from Belmopan. We leave you, as we always do on Independence Eve, with Frankie Reneau's rousing, magisterial rendition of the Belizean national anthem.
Happy Independence Day Belize, have a safe and festive celebration!
Channel 5
Name of South Korean national in Penner scandal revealed
On Thursday, Minister of State with Responsibility for Immigration, Elvin Penner, was fired for his alleged involvement in a scandal at that department. News Five has confirmed that the termination [...]
SIF scandal; contract between SIF and Kenard Smart allows for appointment of adjudicator
The former Executive Director of the Social Investment Fund, Daniel Cano, came forward on Thursday to speak about a one week old scandal of corruption that has rocked the SIF. [...]
Kenard Smart’s relationship with the SIF prior to allegations of financial misconduct
Kenard Smart’s relationship with the Social Investment Fund, prior to allegations of financial misconduct, has been a rather shaky affair. In January 2011, there was controversy surrounding a contract awarded [...]
Cano admits that offerings should not have been accepted by SIF employees
Of the four employees that were terminated from SIF on Tuesday, public relations officer Mike Hernandez says that the check he received from Kenard Smart, in the sum of five [...]
Ladyville couple is accused of tag-teaming and sexually abusing a minor
Almost every week night there is at least one instance of sexual deviants preying on minors to report. Each of those crimes is heinous in its own right, but tonight [...]
Stadium caretaker is found in dead in Independence
The partially nude body of twenty-four-year-old Ferris Torres was discovered inside the sports council’s office in Independence Village on Thursday morning. Shortly before nine a.m., police visited the Michael Ashcroft [...]
Yhony Rosado has his day in court and is acquitted of firearm offence
A year ago, the very vocal Yhony Rosado was charged with a firearm offense. He spent one night in jail, but maintained all along that he was innocent of the [...]
Woman who allegedly put a hit on her husband gets bail from Supreme Court
A woman, who is married to a British citizen and who has been accused of putting a hit on him by allegedly hiring the services of a Woman Special Constable, [...]
Man wanted for chopping and shooting in San Pedro
San Pedro Police today issued an all-points bulletin for McLean August, a man wanted in connection with a chopping and a shooting which resulted in injuries to three persons – [...]
P.U.P. Party Leader says PAC meeting is illegal
When News Five caught up with the Leader of the Opposition Francis Fonseca on Thursday at National Service Day activities, we also got an update from him in respect of [...]
Ramon’s reopens for business
The iconic Ramon’s Village Resort in San Pedro was destroyed by a massive fire on the night of August twenty-seventh. The inferno gutted a total of thirty-two rooms, leaving in [...]
Flooding up north affecting the sugar cane industry
While the rains are wreaking havoc in rural communities, they are also having dire effect on the industry which is the lifeblood of the north. For the past two years [...]
Deplorable road condition at Consejo Shores, Corozal
Residents of Consejo Shores in the Corozal District are tonight complaining about the deplorable road condition and sanitation problems they are presently facing, as a result of heavy rains in [...]
Cayo students jumpstart Independence Day festivities with a parade
Today, students of schools in every district got a jumpstart on Independence Day festivities, with displays of patriotism and pride in full effect. The students’ parade and rallies to bring [...]
Flash back: 32 years ago, Belize obtained its independence
It is the eve of Belize’s independence. At midnight tonight the symbolic raising of the Belizean flag countrywide will usher in the thirty-second birthday of our young nation. There will [...]
Territorial Volunteers Maintain ‘NO to ICJ’
As Belize gets ready to celebrate its 32nd year of independence, Love News met up with Will Maheia of the People’s National Party who says that they continue to focus on their NO to the ICJ campaign. Maheia who is also a member of the Belize Territorial Volunteers says they are firm in their position that that is not the right way to go despite what the government might be doing to convince the people otherwise.
“We noticed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had started a campaign to convince Belizeans that it is the right thing to do; we are firm in our decision that we should not go to the ICJ; we are firm in our decision that we should continue to support the territorial volunteers of which I am a part of that, to man our borders and I know from listening to the radio it is clearly to be seen that the government is trying to convince Belizeans, I don’t know how much Mr. Shoman got to do the book but that money should be spent to man our borders. We have communities in the Toledo District where every community along the border is willing to be a volunteer force to man its border. So, the government needs to get its act together and begin to put boots on the ground in the Chiquibul, in Colombia and also along the southern border where there continues to be incursions on a daily basis.”
Belize City Gears Up For 20th Night – Independence Eve
It’s the eve of Independence and tomorrow, Belize will be celebrating thirty two years of independence. But before we get to tomorrow’s festivities, we’ll tell you how the September Celebration Commission plans to celebrate independence eve. The official ceremonies will be held here in Belize City at Memorial Park and according to the Communications Officer for the National Institute of Cultural and history, Shari Williams, the event is set to be spectacular.
“As you know, tomorrow is our Independence Day celebrations and so we have started the preparations out here at Memorial Park for tonight. Tonight is 20th night which means we will be bringing in Independence Day with a bang and hence the workers in the background trying to get Memorial Park ready. Tonight’s event starts off at 8:30 and we are inviting people to come out early and bring the children.
Couple Accused of Sexually Assaulting Minor
A common-law couple, who it is alleged committed sexual offences on a 14 year old girl, was formally charged when they appeared in court today. They are 30 year old John Williams, a construction worker of Myrtle Waight Crescent, Ladyville and 27 year old Stacey Leslie, a domestic worker. Williams was charged with unlawful carnal knowledge and Leslie was charged with aggravated assault of an indecent nature. Chief Magistrate Anne Marie Smith explained to Williams that the court cannot offer him any bail. She remanded him into custody until October 29. Leslie pled not guilty to the charge.
A Look at The Belize City’s Fort Point Area
The Fort Point area of Belize City is home to an assortment of colonial structures, the Baron Bliss monument and the Radisson Forte George Hotel. But little do many people know that this part of Belize was once an island detached from mainland Belize City. The record books at the Belize Archives Department describe the Fort Point in the early 1900’s as a swampy island at the mouth of the Belize River. It got its name in 1803 when a small fort was erected on the little island on the left tip of the Belize estuary, caused probably by silt from the river. Fort Point was used as a defense to the settlement and soldiers did duty from there beside cannon balls and guns. Its boundary with the mainland was where the present-day Belize Marketing and Development Corporation is now located, where a strait of water once flowed. After two small houses were constructed at Fort George in 1920, the then Government planned to modernize the area and contracted the US-based Jefferson Construction Company to do the job. The work to make Fort Point one with the mainland took two years to complete – from 1922 to 1924. Lots were apportioned out and the Memorial Park was built in remembrance of fallen British Hondurans of World Wars I and II. The modern Memorial Park, recently remodeled, has been the resting place of three fallen soldiers of the First World War.
Arson Ruled Out in Fire Investigation for Ramon’s Village
Last month, we showed you the scene left after Ramon’s Village Resort was gutted by fire. The multi-million dollar resort which was insured both internationally and locally for a hefty amount of money burnt to the grown on August 27th. An investigation into the cause of the blaze was launch and it has now been completed. According to reports, the cause of the blaze has been ascertained to be an electrical malfunction. As was reported, the fire started in Cabana 14 and spread quickly to the other pimenta style cabanas. The resort was established back in 1987 and is expected to be completely re-built by the end of the year.
Fire and Brimstone Planned for Belize City
On October 5, the Bliss Center for the Performing Arts will be hosting a Fire and Brimstone Concert, and don’t worry, it’s not really something dangerous, it’s just another fundraising concert coordinated by Gospel Artist, Reality Youth. According to him, the concert hopes to bring all Belizeans together to praise God and be enlightened in this time in which there are many challenges to face in the world.
REALITY YOUTH, Gospel Artist
“Just bring your family and let us have a good time worshiping God in spirit and in truth. I am not God; I am just a child of God doing his work in Belize city and I want everyone to come out. I am not going to be the only one performing at the concert; we have a selection of artists, we have a selection of different denominations, we have African church from here in Belize City, we have Spanish church from Mahogany Heights, we have Garifuna church from Belize City and we also have a community Christian Church from Pomona. We just want everyone to understand that God is just bringing his people together to worship, to glorify and lift up his name. Our artists include Messenger, who is a young man that is very gifted by God and is out of Corozal; we have Spiritual Chef from Belize City. These artists are bringing their original lyrics; some of them are using tracks but majority of the artists will be performing with live bands.”
School Parade Starts Independence Day Celebrations in Northern Belize
The Independence celebrations kicked off this morning in the Orange Walk District with the annual school Parade through the principal streets in Orange Walk Town. Dalila Ical has more on the event.
“The September 21 celebration kicked off this morning with carnival music, loud cheers, big smiles and tons of enthusiasm in Orange Walk Town. The primary and high school students paraded through queen Victoria Avenue, Baker’s Street, Main Street, Hospital Crescent and back on Queen Victoria Avenue in high spirits as they celebrated the 32nd anniversary of Belize’s Independence. Carla Alvarez Manager at the District Education Center in Orange Walk says the event began with a short opening ceremony at the Central Park.
“The purpose of this parade is for the kids to get an opportunity to express themselves and showing their patriotism and the commencement of the Independence Day celebrations.”
The pre- Independence march is held annually and sees the participation of primary and secondary schools in town, however this year the San Jose Palmar School asked to join in.
Muffles College Hosts Annual Symposium
Over five hundred high school students were offered advice by one of Belize’s most inspirational and motivational speakers during Muffles College’s Symposium which is held every year in line with...
ITVET Honours Service Day
Here in Orange Walk, one learning institution that commemorated Patriotic Service Day was ITVET. We visited the school this morning as their assembly was underway and found out that due...
Students In Corozal Commemorate National Service Day
Organizations and community activists throughout Belize today held special ceremonies and events in commemoration of Service Day. September 19th has always been celebrated as a day where schools and different...
BHOC Celebrates 11 Years Of Serving The O/W Community
Eleven years may not seem like a long time to you but for the Banquitas House of Culture, it reminds them of all the trials and tribulations they have been...
UDP's Elvin Penner Gets The Chopping Block
Today was commemorated by thousands of Belizeans as Patriotic and Service Day and this morning, it appears that the Prime Minister of Belize was also commemorating this day. In a...
Minister of State Elvin Penner forced to resign from Cabinet
Former Minister of Public Utilities, Information and Broadcasting and Minister of State for Immigration and Border Protection Elvin Penner has tendered his resignation to Prime Minister Dean Barrow in a sudden and shocking overnight development. A terse press release issued today from the P.M.’s office states that the Mennonite...
Man found dead at Michael Ashcroft Stadium
The body of 24 year old Ferris Torres, an employee of the Independence Village Council was found Thursday morning inside the Michael Ashcroft Stadium. Police are treating the case as a homicide and are now trying to piece together just what happened in the final hours of Torres’ life....
Opposition Leader comments on SIF scandal
The Social Investment fund has been a hot topic of discussion on the media since allegations of corruption broke out some weeks ago. On Thursday, PUP leader and Leader of the Opposition, Francis Fonseca, added his thoughts to the public discussion when he was asked to comment on the ...
Former Executive Director of SIF addresses media on his resignation
On Thursday afternoon former Executive Director of the Social Investment Fund Daniel Cano came forward to address the press about his resignation and the contention surrounding the organization’s dealings with contractor Kennard Smart especially concerning the Dangriga Town Market Project. Daniel Cano was with the organization since 1999 and...
Court date set for SATIIM and Government of Belize
On Thursday parties to the case between the Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management (SATIIM)and the Government of Belize learned their date for trial in the case, which is October 22 and 23 to be held before Justice Michelle Arana. Both SATIIM executive director Greg...
Country remembers Rt. Hon. George Price on National Service Day
Members of the Lions club raised 20 flags on Thursday, September 19, at the Flag Monument in Belize City in spirit of National Service Day. Thursday also marked the official remembrance for Belize’s first Prime Minister the Right Honorable George Cadle Price. The former seminarian and...
Belize’s First Prime Minister remembered
September 19th , Thursday, marked the second anniversary of the death of Belize’s First Prime Minister, George Cadle Price. Shadel Dyer –Young prepared the following story paying tribute to the deceased National Hero. Shadel Dyer –Young reports: Born George Cadle Price on January 15th 1919,...
Heavy rainfall causes flash flooding
Heavy rain fall has caused flash flooding in various areas of the country. Affected were portions of the La Democracia community, which caused the Sibun River to break its bank. Several homes on the Coastal road were under water due to...
Decrease in major crimes
There continues to be a decrease in major crimes throughout the country. The newly released Crime Statistics compares the months January to August of this year to that of last year. The largest decline is in robbery, with 192 cases reported this year, compared to 339 of last year....
“How You Can End the Guatemalan Claim”
Earlier this week, the prolific writer and former ambassador for Belize Assad Shoman was at the University of Belize’s Belmopan Campus to talk to students about the Guatemalan Claim and the way forward. On Thursday he was in Belize City with his new book – a sort of guide...
KHMH celebrates 18th Anniversary
On Wednesday members of the press met with representatives of the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH) on the occasion of their 18th anniversary. The hospital has recorded great strides in certain branches of medicine but continues to suffer the black eye of recent deaths in the pediatric intensive care...
Mayor Bradley responds to PUP allegations
Earlier this week the People’s United Party accused the Belize City Council of embarking on a smear campaign against its supporters by publishing notices in both the UDP and independent organs that they owe property taxes. The PUP charge that these so-called false publications can be viewed as defamatory...
“A Call To Worship” in Belize City
On the eve of Independence Day, churches will be gathering for a corporate time of praise and worship in Belize City. The spiritual jamboree is being held under the banner “A Call To Worship.” It is a time when believers from various denominations unite with one purpose – to...
Caye Caulker Chronicles
Caye Caulker Fisherman Missing At Sea
According to a missing persons report filed with local police, a Caye Caulker fisherman who set out this morning with several other companions went missing.
When he did not return to the boat and his companions could not locate him in the waters where they were fishing, they reported it to police.
A search and rescue effort has been activated.
BELIZE’S MARCH TO INDEPENDENCE: SEPTEMBER10TH. 1798-SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 Features — 20 September 2013 — by Ismail Omar Shabazz
Belize’s first step towards independence began on September 10, 1798 at the Battle of St. George’s Caye. This victory for Belize allowed Belizeans to claim 8,866 square miles of land, sea and rivers from the Rio Hondo to the Sarstoon River.
In 1898, 100 years later, a brave black man named Simon Lamb took up the struggle for independence. In May 1914, Simon Lamb passed away. In the year 1950, the march for Belize independence continued under the leadership of the Honorable George Cadle Price, the Honorable Philip Goldson, the Honorable Leigh Richardson, and others.
Prime Minister Dean Barrow has fired Minister of State in the Immigration Ministry, Hon. Elvin Penner, but has refused to tell the nation exactly why he has taken this unprecedented step, except to say, in a press release issued today, Thursday, that Penner “did not discharge his responsibilities with either the due judgment and balance, or the scrupulous regard for appearances which the Prime Minister demands of all his Ministers.”
We say “fired,” but the Prime Minister preferred to say that he “required him [Penner] to resign,” and offered the crumb that the Immigration Ministry, under the portfolio of Hon. Godwin Hulse, and the Ministry of the Public Service “has launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the issue of a Belize passport to a South Korean national.”
So, what has the Hon. Elvin Penner, representative for Cayo Northeast, really done? The Prime Minister would not answer this question put to him by the media. In his release, he would only say that the Immigration Ministry “would make a statement in the next day or so as to the results of that investigation,” even though Penner has been fired “with immediate effect.”
The two are charged with breaking into Jennifer Meighan’s house, tying her up, beating her, then stealing some items.
This afternoon, sisters Latoria, 26, a hair and nail technician of #168 East Collet Canal, and Tiffany Anderson, 23, a babysitter of the same address, were charged with burglary and harm after Jennifer Meighan, 19, reported to police that the women forced their way into her apartment, beat her up and then stole her property.
In that report, Meighan told police that at 1:30 Monday morning, she was at her apartment on Seagull Street when she heard a knock on her door. When she queried who it was, a voice answered “Yoh sista”, but when she opened the door just enough to see who was there, she realized that it was Latoria and her sister Tiffany, with whom she had had several run-ins previously.
Felicia Chen, the woman who is accused of killing three of her four children and attempting to kill the fourth on April 27, 2013, was returned to court this morning, and as always, she was under the heavy shield and protection of CIB officers.
Ever since she was first taken to court on April 29, her court proceedings have been held en camera and today was no exception. Although media personnel were present when she was brought into court, before the matter started the prosecutor, Alford Humes, asked that the court be cleared. The Chief Magistrate, Ann Marie Smith, then cleared the court, allowing only for the psychiatrists and the female officer to remain in court.
Their boss, Daniel Cano, however, was allowed to resign.
According to a press release issued by the Social Investment Fund (SIF) dated September 17, 2013, four members of staff have been terminated by SIF’s Board of Directors based on findings documented in a Contractor General report. This followed an emergency meeting that was held by the Board of Directors late Monday evening.
The meeting was convened following allegations of rampant corruption that have recently surfaced, including accusations of extortion within the Social Investment Fund connected to a botched $1.3M renovation project that was to be carried out at the Dangriga Town Market as part of the Municipal Development Project.
The release implies that the firings took precedence after “the board determined that four members of staff were complicit in activities which merited termination.”
It was a first effort, the idea of football legend himself, Nelson “the Roo” Robinson, and the street facing the Third World field was temporarily blocked off yesterday afternoon by a congregation of relatives, friends and football fans and veterans who came to share in the festive occasion to honor the memory of perhaps Belize’s greatest football legend, Louis “Bembe, the Mugger” Garbutt, who passed away in New York on June 28 of this year.
In a brief ceremony to mark the occasion at the residence of Ms. Linda Faber, ex-wife of the Roo, master of ceremony Earl Grinage first invited Mugger’s wife, Mrs. Sylvia Garbutt, who received Belize’s Meritorious Award in his honor at the Bliss on Thursday last, to say a few words about her late husband and thank the organizers and everyone present for sharing in the occasion. Others then shared their thoughts, including Norman Fairweather, a close friend of the Mugger in New York, Hilbert “Areas” Craig, Bert Cattouse, Vincent “Winty J” Johnson, and the Roo, who then exhorted everyone present to enjoy the rest of the evening – music, food and drinks were provided under a tent in the yard.
CPBL 6-A-Side Tournament
In the CPBL 6-A-Side Tournament over the weekend, Wagierale won by default over Pomona United, who went to play in the 1st Division tournament in Griga. In the other game, Real Juventud won, 6-4, over Burial Ground Warriors.
Reports are that the playoff games for this weekend will be postponed until next week in support of the celebration festivities and other activities by the Village Council.
Wamule U-23 Playoffs & Finals results
The Wamule U-23 “King of the Court” Champion of Champion was held on Sunday at the Ecumenical basketball auditorium, where Foreshore was crowned the over-all Champion of Champion by defeating Ghans.
in memory of basketball athlete Ronald Robert Rivers.
Plans are under way for a Youth Sports Day in memory of basketball athlete Ronald Robert Rivers, who was a robbery/gunshot victim earlier this year. According to organizers, it will be an all-day sporting event and Basketball Marathon for children ages 6 to 12 years, and will be held at the Iguana Street basketball court from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 28.
There will be prizes and medals for winners, including sportsmanship and team awards; and they will be catering for 75 – 100 children, serving breakfast, snacks and lunch.
Registration is FREE.
There is still a need for assistance, so interested donors can contact Ms. Kylie Rivers at 633-2973.
There is new energy on the Belize boxing scene right now, and it bodes well for a sport that has apparently been on life support for some time now. The sporadic commercial promotions at Biltmore and Bird’s Isle are okay, but they are far too few and far between. A lot of questions have been raised about the activity level of those in charge of the sport’s top administrating body, the Belize Boxing Federation, whose president, community activist Moses Sulph, has not had a discernible impact on the plight of the sport that once enjoyed such great popularity in Belize.
But there are others who refuse to give up, and their initiative has resulted in the formation of a new vehicle to try and get the boxing engine rolling. Over the past couple days, our sports desk has enjoyed visits from a few dedicated gentlemen who are putting their heads and hearts to the plough, and have already registered a new non-governmental and non-profit organization, the Belize Boxing Development Council. Henry Gill, Houston Carr, Frank Martinez and Clinton Tucker are all involved with the new organization, which is committed to “promote and obtain efficiency and harmony in the sport of boxing” in Belize.
After a meeting last night at the MCC Grounds with 11 of 12 participating teams in the Belize City Mayor’s Cup competition, tournament coordinator Ken Vasquez has informed us that the games will resume this weekend, after last weekend’s Week 2 games had been postponed “due to past conditions of the field and issues with security due to the celebrations.” One more development coming out of last night’s meeting is that Kephawn’s Pawn Shop FC, one of the Yabra based teams, “has chosen to withdraw from the tournament.. due to difference of views.” Also, Ladyville United has replaced Port Loyola FC which had not fielded a team so far in the tournament. The tournament is scheduled to continue with the 11 teams now remaining, which means that one team will have to be idle each weekend.
Independence Day, September 21, falls in between Belize’s three basically ethnic holidays – September 10 (Creole), October 12 (Mestizo), and November 19 (Garifuna). Independence Day should be the great unifier, the great national and nationalistic statement, and Belizeans have been working towards that goal for 32 years. We still have some ways to go.
There are at least two striking things about how Belize moved to Independence on September 21, 1981.
One is that the British refused to give Belize the defence guarantee which would have eased the tension amongst Belizeans and healed some of the Heads of Agreement wounds which had been opened in March and April of that year. If you think strictly and technically, the British were right. Belize was asking for the political status of independence, which would have been, in a sense, compromised by a defence guarantee from our longstanding colonial masters. But, the Belizean situation was an exceptional one. The British could have made an exception. British Honduras had been claimed by Guatemala since the latter part of the nineteenth century, and the Guatemalans, 40 times more numerous than the Belizeans, were making threatening noises about an independence to which Belizeans felt entitled.
by Evan X
This Saturday we mark the 32nd anniversary of our political independence. Belize has changed a lot since independence in 1981, and there are some Belizeans who believe our country has changed for the worse. There seems to be a lot more wealth in Belize than 32 years ago, when you look at the fancy homes and huge office buildings, the late model SUVs and expensive powerboats, and so on and so forth. But, Belizean society has deteriorated before our very eyes. Today we have to watch far too many of our people strung out on drugs, afflicted by HIV/AIDS, suffering with mental illnesses, literally starving, and caged in the Kolbe prison at Hattieville. Where material things are concerned, we appear better off in Belize, but where our roots human resources are concerned, we Belizeans are in bad shape.
Personally, I welcomed the coming of television in 1982. I had watched television in America between 1965 and 1968, and in late 1970 Galento X Neal and I had watched Muhammad Ali fight Oscar Bonavena on a television set in a sidewalk café in Chetumal.
At the end of my last article I promised to reintroduce to you Raymond Granville Lashley, but I will be unable to live up to my commitment because I need to do some further research to be able to write about as great a figure as Raymond Granville Lashley. I beg your pardon and indulgence to move on until I am able to complete the commitment I made to you, my readers. In the meantime, I will discuss with you football in the District of Orange Walk.
My article “Was Queen’s Park Rangers the Greatest?” drew a lot of attention and my article “One In A Million You” created havoc among avid football players and their fans. Scores of readers complimented me on the article, “One in a Million You”. All recognized the talent and ability of the Avengers football team. I was of the opinion that I was the only man in Belize that was latched on to Pappy Smith. Hell no! The feedback I received on the article convinced me that I did not stand alone. My corner was heavy laden with both footballers and fans.
When Belize became independent in 1981, the world was undergoing one of the worst economic crises in its history. Virtually all countries of the world and especially small developing countries were strongly affected by the sharpest economic decline since World War II. World GDP growth that averaged around 4 percent in the 1970s fell to just over 2 percent in 1980 and further dropped to 1.2 percent in 1981. Oil prices sharply increased as world trade fell from an average of 7 percent in the period 1976-79 to 1.5 percent in 1980 and near 0 percent in 1981. The crisis plunged hundreds of millions of people and entire regions into to greater poverty.
This adverse situation also placed Belize on the brink of economic collapse. Prices of its major exports fell drastically on the world market. For example, sugar, which comprised over 60 percent of Belize’s exports and which showed US 30 cents per pound in the spot market in 1980, fell to US 7 cents per pound in 1984. According to Central Bank statistics, Belize’s real GDP growth rate also fell from 2.2 percent in 1981 to minus 0.8% in 1982 and minus 1.6 percent in 1983. Unable to meet its obligations to its people, the government was forced arrange a stand-by agreement with the IMF.
When GOB resumed control of Port of Dangriga, the Barrow administration set itself apart and different from all previous administrations and predecessors by embracing a policy that promises national development and economic opportunities. Heretofore, the only declared policy and practice has been to reward friends and punish enemies, which indeed is, and in fact, filling high offices with political lackeys, friends and family members facilitating looting of public resources and corruption in government.
The Prime Minister’s reopening Port of Dangriga, most obviously, not only deserves applause and support, but it further announces Belize’s directing its natural, social and human resources at the pursuit of economic opportunities; and lately, adding yet another logistical dimension in the opening of the National Bank of Belize.
The re-opening of Port of Dangriga is not merely the opening of just another port. The port, with its more than 45-foot deep open waters, less than 1,000 feet away, will open up huge possibilities and opportunities and will change our current import and export trade pattern by enabling Belize to move into the world-wide trans-oceanic maritime trade, import, export and commercial traffic.
Kaleidoscope…thoughts are things; there is nary a thing extant that was not ever a thought…in this day of electronic wizardry, fax, etc. why should banks hold their checks for 6-7 weeks when interbank movement runs at 2% interest per hour… please…the refugees will work us out of our country…calling refugees “aliens” has an ominous connotation…they are not beings from outer space…use of words to induce hate, fear and anger…while we poke fun at them they learn our language; we can’t or won’t learn theirs… Seychelles is a good example for Belize to examine on the effects of the Oriental immigrants on the country…send a mission to observe…in 30 years the president of Belize will be of Chinese/Mayan/Indian ancestry…the vice-president will be the descendant of Creole/Indian/Mestizo…Belize is the only country that sells land at fireman rates to foreigners who then sell to their compatriots at profitable margins…this is a mystery of which one stands in awe…the white man is willing to die to gain knowledge; the black man is afraid to leave his neighborhood…Belizeans adopt the images of America but not the work involved to create them…now that Britain has retrenched the Gurkhas after long and faithful service to Empire, Belize should absorb them into the BDF, payment being land and citizenship after 12 years service…more rewarding to them than thank you and a long service medal
— by Dr. Elma Whittaker-Augustine, Clinical Psychologist
Belize’s “10th September” is also the date that the world is asked to pause and focus on preventing suicide worldwide. The theme for this year is “Stigma: A Major Barrier for Suicide Prevention”.
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The data on the suicide rate in Belize is relatively low (13 in 2012) in comparison to other countries. However, one suicide is one too many. The more we increase our knowledge of suicide, stigma, a major barrier to suicide prevention, will hopefully gradually disappear. Our article for this month will focus on some of the causes of suicide, its impact, ways to respond and interventions.
Why do some individuals choose suicide?
It is not possible to accurately answer this question. However, some factors that contribute to this decision are feeling intense emotional pain, which is reported to be more painful than physical pain, feeling hopeless, feeling life is not worth living, feeling trapped, feeling isolated, feeling our problems are insurmountable and we have tried all options and have had enough and think that the only relief is suicide, feeling that our family and friends would be better off without us. All these feelings are also symptoms of Clinical Depression.
— by Audrey Matura-Shepherd
I want to remain optimistic that there are enough Belizeans of right thinking mind who want to see a Belize that will progress for the greater good of as many people as possible. I want to think that amongst my fellow Belizeans there are people who do not only want to see themselves live a decent quality of life, but want to see others experience the same, and thus will help to make that possible. I want to think that in our midst we have our own Marcus Garvey, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ghandi, Mandela, people who are agents of change and who stand up for principles and others. Yes, the adversity they will face in Belize will not be as severe as what the above leaders faced, thus one would think that all the more reason it should be easier to rise up and be part of a revolution of change to uplift this country.
A newly remodeled Battlefield Park was officially opened to the public today by the Belize City Council. The historic park has sat at the center of Belize City for centuries, in fact as far back as the 1600s. The park is prominently known as a meeting place for inhabitants of Belize City since 1638. It is referred to as the birthplace of the Labor Movement in Belize, which was headed by popular Belizean activist, Antonio Soberanis, as well as the People’s Committee, which later became known as the People’s United Party. The downtown park was a hub for public meetings and even concerts in the past, but recently it had been reduced to a place of refuge for some of the vagrants who roam the city.
Some members of the public were disgruntled at the thought of renovating the relic because of the historical significance attached to it. Nevertheless, it fell under the Belize City Council’s “Master Plan” to remodel the downtown area of Belize City and thus, contractor International Environments Ltd., was given the job to do a complete facelift of the age-old park. Works commenced in May of this year; not just to upgrade the park, but to reclaim the area as a bona fide plot of public space.
Major crime down by 43%, but carnal knowledge up 51%.
The Belize Police Department has issued a press release indicating the crime statistics for the month of August 2013. According to the statistics, there has been an overall reduction of 11% in major crimes across the country. There were only 3 murders recorded countrywide for August 2013, compared to 9 murders which were committed last year in the month of August – a difference of 33%.
From January to August of 2013, there were a total of 70 murders, compared to a total of 97 for the same period of 2012. This so far amounts to a 27.8% reduction in murders, while shooting incidents are also down by 29.4%. The biggest decrease in major crimes, however, is the 43% decline in the number of recorded robberies.
While rape is down by 30%, there has been a considerable, and disturbing, increase in the number of reported incidents of carnal knowledge. That particular crime is steadily on the rise – up by a whopping 51%. Theft also continues to spike; it has gone up by 7%.
Heavy rainfall associated with a slow-moving area of low pressure over Belize over the last few days has caused flash flooding in La Democracia near Mile 31on the George Price Highway. NEMO has been monitoring the area since Monday.
Earlier this morning a flash flood from fast-rising waters due to heavy rainfall which fell last night caused the Sibun River to break its bank.
NEMO reported that several homes on the Coastal Road were under water due to the flash flood. NEMO Belize District Coordinator and the Police were deployed to the area to establish what occurred and render assistance. Even though the water is receding rapidly the Belize Disaster and Rescue Response Team (BDARRT) will continue to check the area and remain on standby to provide any search and rescue assistance that might be required.
At Mile 27 on the George Price Highway the road is compromised due to damage to a culvert, causing traffic delays. Drivers are asked to exercise extreme caution when passing that area and whilst travelling on the highways as rains have affected most of the major and secondary roads and streets throughout the country.
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, Houston Mayor Annise Parker and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti have issued proclamations to establish September 17 as Thomas Vincent Ramos Day in their states and cities.
They are paying tribute to the founder of Garifuna Settlement Day in Belize — a celebration whose significance has spilled over the country’s borders.
This recognition and honor of a Garifuna icon in the US is the third such among US governors, state legislators and mayors. In 2009, former Houston Mayor Bill White proclaimed December 2nd as Andy Palacio Day; in March 2013, a petition in the Texas Legislature was introduced by Texas State Senator Rodney Ellis and was passed to declare March 14 as Chief Joseph Chatoyer Day in Texas and in September, the state of Illinois has followed.
“This is very good,” said Josalee Velasquez on the Garifuna Times Facebook page, “a milestone in proclaiming our stand… So proud to be Garifuna in Chicago.”
— by Charles Leslie, Jr.
Dear Editor,
A resource that we get plenty of, annually, and could be harvested and exported – RAIN WATER. Rainwater harvesting is a technique used for collecting, storing, and using rainwater for human consumption, landscape irrigation, farm irrigation and other uses. The rainwater is collected from various hard surfaces such as roof tops and/or other types of manmade above ground hard surfaces. This ancient practice is currently growing in popularity throughout the world due to interest in reducing the consumption of potable water and the inherent qualities of rainwater.
Rainwater harvesting advantages:
• Makes use of a natural resource and reduces flooding, storm water runoff, erosion, and contamination of surface water with pesticides, sediment, metals, and fertilizers.
• Reduces the need for imported water. In our case, we have plenty that we can export to those countries that are importing water.
• Excellent source of water for landscape irrigation, with no chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine, and no dissolved salts and minerals from the soil.
A resident of Consejo Shores, located about 7 – 8 miles from Corozal Town, called us this afternoon to inform us that the Consejo Shores road is under 1 – 2 feet of water, and that every year for the last three or so years, the road has been flooded, leaving residents in a terrible situation.
Consejo Shores is a retirement community mainly inhabited by foreigners, some of whom have been here for years, who pay a large sum of money to live in the area, we are told.
We are told that many residents can’t get out of the community to buy the necessary foodstuffs, fuel and other necessities, and furthermore, garbage from the dump is floating for miles on the road and children can’t get to school. When the rains finally quit, the water takes 4 – 5 days to recede to the point where the road is usable again.
The resident, who has been in Belize since 2003, said that the road should have been fixed about eight years ago, but the money has always disappeared, used for other things, and the residents have been left to punish with the yearly floods and the terrible inconvenience of being stranded if they don’t have a very high vehicle to try to traverse the road.
This time a settlement is reached.
After being delayed for several months, the case between Banks Holdings Limited of Barbados and the Belize Citrus Growers Association Investment Company Limited and Citrus Products of Belize Limited reached trial before Justice Rita Joseph Olivetti in the Belize Supreme Court yesterday, Monday, September 16.
Although the litigation is now set for trial, any arguments by both sides have been put on hold. Yesterday afternoon, after half a day’s adjournment, Senior Counsel Andrew Marshalleck, who represented Banks Holdings Ltd., informed the court that both sides have agreed on a settlement to quash the dispute between them.
The dispute arose over three points of contention: (1) the appointment of a chairman to the CPBL Board of Directors; (2) the method by which decisions of the board are taken; and last but certainly not least, (3) the questionable management of the company, under the leadership of CEO Dr. Henry Canton, who has reportedly been repeatedly accused of bad faith and poor management, yet citrus growers have been unable to remove him from his seat.
The Reporter
Five Women pound would-be robber
A young man who tried to rob Isolene Baños, 69, producer of Golden Corn Tortillas , was beaten and subdued by Banos and four other women members of her family last Friday, until the police came and took him away.
Barrow fires Elvin Penner over immigration scandal
The Belize Immigration and Nationality Department continues to be plagued by scandals that are potentially damaging to Belize’s national security, and now its latest scandal has cost the Minister of State with responsibility for immigration his cabinet post. On Thursday, the Office of the Prime Minister issued a press release, [...]
Smart’s creditors may sue SIF
Emy Gilharry Ramirez of Gush & Emy, from Corozal, may sue the Social Investment Fund to recover the $500,000 in material and labor, which she claims she invested to help Kenard Smart of K&G Construction execute the $1,377,839 Dangriga market project. Ramirez retained the services of attorney Audrey Matura when [...]
Battlefield Park restored
“This park was never really a park; it was a gathering place to bring our people together. And so when you look at the design of the park, it is to pay respect to that history,” said Belize City Mayor Darrell Bradley.
Cashing in karma points and full moon pictures
Sometimes you cash in your karma points on something completely unrelated to how you got them and sometimes there is a direct connection between doing a person a favor and being able to do one back for them very soon after.
For us this time, it was the latter.
Paul got a phone call last night from Jason, they were stalled by Ritchie’s and needed a tow. It was a toss up, stay home and watch the end of project runway or be the go with girl. I figured even though I was not really needed, he asked for company and it could earn me a few karma points to go for the ride. Especially since I was away overnight with Mary the night before for dinner and a movie. More details coming on that by tomorrow morning.
The Signs of Boca Del Rio, San Pedro
I love signs and I love taking pictures of signs. Especially hand painted ones. Here are some pics that I took in the Boca Del Rio area (between town and the bridge).
And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.
There are about 5 different spellings of motorcycle at this shop.
I’ve only been in Compadres once but there were certainly no blonde bikini-ed ladies playing pool.
Lots of little delis to get food. In NYC, a deli makes sandwiches, in Belize, it makes local food. I guess that makes sense.
My favorite San Pedro tranny.
Little Belize’s Independence Day the Biggest Yet
As a young nation celebrating its 32nd birthday, Belize is understandably enthusiastic about Independence Day, and this year’s September 21 celebration is shaping up to be one of the biggest yet, according to the owners of Belize’s first eco-resort, The Lodge at Chaa Creek.
Lucy Fleming, who with her husband Mick opened Chaa Creek’s doors on the same date that Belize achieved independence from Great Britain, said she’s not surprised that Belizean nationalism shows no signs of waning.
“I imagine that independence day celebrations were wildly enthusiastic in the young United States of America around 1808 while Americans were still basking in their new found liberty and sense of national identity.
“We’re undergoing the same thing in Belize right now. There’s a lot of pride, excitement, and energy in watching your new nation grow and take its place in the world. There’s a real feeling of having arrived mixed with excitement about the future.
“We’ve come a long way in 32 years and we’re still just recognising the amount of opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. I can’t think of any place I’d rather be,” Ms Fleming said.
“Sound and Vision” in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize.
On waking up yesterday morning I felt as if I had taken a mild beating around the left side of my face, and especially my nose. I know that I am a relatively heavy sleeper but surely Rose couldn’t have ‘got her own back’ for something I had said and it didn’t wake me.
A visit to the bathroom and a look in the mirror (no photos I am pleased to report) and I saw that the left side of my nose was slightly swollen and the area around my left eye had some dark discolouration. And then it hit me (no, not Rose) I was suffering from sinusitis.
Now knowing that it wasn’t a consequence of upsetting Rose I made my mug of coffee, grabbed hold of the iPad and went to my place of choice in the early morning, the veranda.
Once out there I didn’t really do a great deal. Yes I read the news online (enjoying the write-up on Arsenal’s game the previous day), publishing yesterday’s edition and sending a couple of emails to try to find out if the company handling the shipping of our stuff from the UK have managed to establish exactly where our consignment is.
International Sources
Belize’s Independence Day
On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I send best wishes to the Belizean people as you mark the 32nd anniversary of your nation’s independence on September 21.
Our relationship is strong and rooted in the shared values of democracy and cultural diversity. We work as partners to promote citizen security, expand trade and economic growth, and build opportunities for all people. The successful friendship between our two countries sets a powerful example for the entire region.
As you celebrate from northernmost Corozal to southernmost Toledo, I wish the people of Belize a safe and joyous Independence Day.
New World Oil & Gas boss eager to begin new phase
New World Oil & Gas (LON:NEW) boss Bill Kelleher says he is eager for the company to begin a new phase of it development, following the new cornerstone investment from Niels Petroleum.
The transformational funding deal, which provides up to US$50mln and was signed-off by shareholders last week, will help the firm create value.
Among other initiatives allows the group to now look at taking on additional opportunities.
In this morning’s interim results statement the company run the rule over a busy period – which included a drill programme that found evidence of a hydrocarbon system within its acreage in Belize but fell short of making a discovery.
Elsewhere it has completed a seismic exploration programmes on its acreage in Denmark.
“As the first half of 2013 has shown, there is no straight line route to building a multi-project exploration and production company,” said Kelleher, New World chairman and chief executive.
“While key milestones were met over the last six months, this has been a mixed period for New World.
“On the one hand, we fulfilled earn-in commitments at all three of our exploration projects so that New World has been assigned a 100% working interest in the Blue Creek project in Belize and a 25% interest in each of Danica Jutland and Danica Resources in Denmark.
McAfee Anti-Virus Founder John McAfee Speaks with CNBC's Jane Wells Today
Following are excerpts from the unofficial transcript of a CNBC EXCLUSIVE interview with former McAfee Anti-Virus Founder John McAfee. Portions of the interview will run throughout CNBC's Business Day Programming.
All references must be sourced to CNBC.
JANE WELLS: Who killed him?
JOHN MCAFEE: I have no clue.
WELLS: No clue at all?
MCAFEE: You know Belize is the murder capital of the world. If you look at the statistics more people are murdered in Belize than anywhere. Tourists, disappear all the time. It's not publicized because tourism is 70% of the gross national product of the country. And so it's kept very quiet but it's a very violent, very dangerous place.
John McAfee talks tech, drugs and breaking bad
John McAfee is back in the technology game.
Should he be trusted?
McAfee is living in Portland, Ore., nearly a year after fleeing Belize to avoid questioning about the murder of a neighbor. He still insists he had nothing to do with the gunshot killing. "Belize is the murder capital of the world," he said this week. "It's a very violent, very dangerous place."
Since returning stateside, McAfee has surfaced rarely. Three months ago, he posted a racy video on YouTube mocking his former anti-virus software company. Last week he had to respond to a false report that he had died of an overdose in Las Vegas. McAfee said the hoax was not a publicity stunt on his part, and that he spent a lot of time frantically contacting friends who believed he was dead.
Kuwait Amir congratulates Armenia, Belize, Malta on Nat''l Day
HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah congratulated each of Armenia, Belize and Malta on their respective National Day on Saturday.
The warm sentiments were conveyed in separate congratulatory cables to Armenia's President Serzh Sargsyan, the Belize Governor-General Sir Colville Young and Malta's President George Abela, according to an Amiri Diwan statement.
HH the Amir wished the leaders the best of health and their nations development and prosperity.
SADR present at Independence Day Celebrations in Belize
Saharawi Ambassador in Nicaragua Mr. Suleimàn Tieb Henàn has represented the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in the ceremonies commemorating the 32th anniversary of the independence of Belize on 21 September 1981, according to a statement of SADR embassy in Nicaragua.
Saharawi Ambassador held bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belize H.E. Mr. Wilfred Elrington.
SADR envoy to theses ceremonies took this opportunity to convey to the Governor General of Belize H.E. Mr. Colville Norbert Young, also representative of Queen Elizabeth of England, the congratulations of Saharawi President Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz on this important event.
There are many spectacular dive sites in the Caribbean, but few of them can beat the coral reefs and beautiful underwater coral gardens found beneath the warm, crystal clear tropical waters from Mexico and Belize. Belize in particular is quite rightly considered to be one of the top scuba diving destinations in the world.
Marine life is fairly similar wherever you travel around in the Caribbean, but the combination of thriving marine life and superb coastal resorts makes the coastal area between Mexico and Belize a perfect dive destination.
When you’ve had enough of the resort live, leave it behind and head down beneath the waves where you will find colorful corals gardens, dramatic deep drop offs and a varied selection of reef fish such as angel fish, groupers, barracuda and if you are lucky you will encounter the biggest fish in the sea, the Whale Shark.
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